We shipped 13 True Ways to Kickstarter backers before GenCon straight from the printers, and it turns out they weren’t packaged according to my wishes, and so some of them were damaged. I am very sorry about this. It seems like a lot of copies even though it’s a small proportion of the total.
You are welcome to keep the damaged copy for yourself or pass it on to a friend.
Please email support with your details and we’ll get you out a replacement. It really helps us with the printer if you send a photo of the damage, but you are not obliged at all. Because Indie Press Revolution is shipping them out and they have post-GenCon decompression and Burning Man to contend with, this won’t be for a while – provisionally the end of next week.
At that stage all unshipped US and Canada True Ways and other Pelgrane pre-orders will be shipped.
For rest of world customers (including the Pelgrane office!) we are waiting to get tracking on books shipped to the UK for onward shipment. I’ll post when we have this information.