We’ve just about recovered from the post-Gen Con lurgy in time for the latest edition of See Page XX. And what a Gen Con it was for us, with increased sales, more games running, and more ENnie award wins (three for us, and one for Ken and Robin) than ever before. And on Friday, we’re joining our Moon Design colleagues (see here for more details about the upcoming 13th Age in Glorantha Kickstarter) for our first outing to PAX Prime in Seattle – come and say hi at our booth in the Motif hotel level 3 (formerly the Red Lion). While this is good news for those of you looking to pick up shiny new releases, the downside is that there may be slight delays to our customer support while we’re on the road.
If you aren’t going to be at PAX or Gen Con, we’ve got some new goodies right here for you like the pre-order for Mythos Expeditions, a collection of ten stand-alone adventures for Trail of Cthulhu. Written by Kenneth Hite and Robin D. Laws, with contributions from an eclectic mix of mythos experts, this is a great way to inject a taste of the exotic into an existing campaign, or to play as part of the Armitage Files campaign setting in the core rules. There’s also a new release over on Stone Skin Press, with the pre-order for Letters to Lovecraft, and KWAS subscribers will get the September edition, Hideous Creatures: Lloigor, this month; meanwhile, non-subscribers can now buy Xeno-archaeology! as a stand-alone product in the shop.
New Releases
- Mythos Expeditions pre-order – Ten Mythos experts take you on epic voyages to the furthest reaches of the planet, with new GUMSHOE rules for expeditions from Kenneth Hite
- Xeno-archaeology! – Uncover the riches and knowledge Ruins — of cities, starships, and planets — hold in the latest edition of Ken Writes about Stuff
- Series Pitch of the Month – This month’s Pitch is a sideways view of DEN in Terminal X, by Hal Mangold
- Letters to Lovecraft pre-order – Eighteen of today’s finest masters of the weird tale take on Lovecraft’s “Supernatural Horror in Literature” essay
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – Find out what’s new from Simon Rogers
- The Last Door: 140-Character Horror Stories – Read the winning entries in Last Door’s 140-word horror story competition.
- Recent Aliases of Quandos Vorn – Robin D. Laws has intercepted transmissions detailing some of the identities Quandos Vorn has recently traveled under to aid you in your revenge quest in The Gaean Reach
- The Plain People of Gaming: Six Tips on Convention Games – As we’re well into convention season, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan brings the benefit of his convention game experience to your one-shot adventure
- Call of Chicago: Why Do You Hate Chandler Vaughn? – Inspired by The Gaean Reach RPG’s Quandos Vorn, Kenneth Hite looks at people you might hate in other GUMSHOE systems
- Planet of War – An adventure seed for Ashen Stars by Robin D. Laws, set on the wargames-focused world, Sumpter
- GUMSHOE Adventure Masterclass Seminar – @CthulhuChick’s excellent notes on Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Kenneth Hite and Robin D. Laws’ Gen Con seminar – thanks to theilluminerdy.com for the link!
- Announcing the Letters to Lovecraft Roster of Contributors – The stellar talent in the newest Stone Skin Press release
- Actual plays audio of Trail of Cthulhu – Bill White (author of The Big Hoodoo, and the forthcoming The New World) and his brother Mel have recorded some actual play excerpts of various Trail of Cthulhu games they’ve played
- See P. XX: Alternate Procedural Resolutions for One-Shot DramaSystem Robin D. Laws suggests different ways of resolving procedural scenes in DramaSystem
- August playtesting – This month’s line-up includes one-shot adventures for The Esoterrorists, Night’s Black Agents, Ashen Stars and Fear Itself, as well as a two-session adventure for Night’s Black Agents
13th Age
- 13th Age in Glorantha – Find out more about the upcoming Kickstarter to bring the ENnie-winning 13th Age rule system to Greg Stafford’s epic mythic world.
- 13th Sage: Escalation for Everyone? – Rob Heinsoo looks at what might happen if you supplied the monsters with escalation die armaments.
- 13th Age GM Roundtable at Gen Con – @CthulhuChick, Rob Heinsoo, @SlyFlourish, and Wade Rockett share their advice on how to run 13th Age (thanks to The Tome Show for the link!)
- 13th Age Adventure Design seminar at Gen Con – Watch Rob Heinsoo, ASH LAW, Philippe-Antoine Ménard (aka Chatty DM), and Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan give tips on how to write a great 13th Age adventure
13th Age Resource page updates
- Fillable 13th Age character sheets – Ade Sant has created some customised and fillable PDF character sheets for 13th Age
See Page XX Poll