What I Did On My Summer Vacation; or, September’s Stone Skin Update

Hello again, friends. It’s me, Enigmatic Icon, back from my too-hot-for-early-1990s-daytime-TV summer vacation. I really let my moss down this year, with holidays at Stonehenge, Amsterdam, and Little Rock, Arkansas. I even saw the Rolling Stones, and between you, me, and the snails in my cavernous nostrils, those rock stars are getting even older than me…Anyway, that was my dream vacation, I actually spent most of the summer eating Roquefort cheese while watching reruns of the Rockford Files. Luckily for you, my bosses at Stone Skin Press have been a lot more productive–here’s a taste of what they’ve been up to.


I’m getting tired again just looking at all that. Plus, there are even more announcements right around the corner, but for now I’m going to get back to daydreaming of the summer that could have been. Seems like all I did was lay waste to foreign temples, but I really ought to quit–I just read that smoking ziggurats is bad for your health. See you next time, Stone Skinners and Pelgraneteers…

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