A lot of people have been in touch to ask when Soldiers of Pen and Ink, Adam Gauntlett’s Trail of Cthulhu campaign set in the Spanish Civil War is available. The answer is, it’s in the webstore right now, nestling nicely alongside his Great War Trail of Cthulhu adventure collection, Dulce et Decorum Est, now released from pre-order. Also available as of this month is Matthew Sanderson’s modern twist on a classic haunted house adventure, The Seventh Circle – written for Fear Itself, but with conversion notes for running as a Trail of Cthulhu adventure. There’s also a new release over on Stone Skin Press, with the pre-order for Letters to Lovecraft, and KWAS subscribers will get the October edition, The School of Night, this month; meanwhile, non-subscribers can now buy Hideous Creatures: Lloigor as a stand-alone product in the shop.
New Releases
- Soldiers of Pen and Ink – A Trail of Cthulhu campaign set in 1936 during the Spanish Civil War, where ideologies compete as you try find a colleague who went missing in the midst of the Siege of Madrid.
- The Seventh Circle – A stand-alone adventure for either Fear Itself or Trail of Cthulhu where a paranormal research team investigates a mysterious house.
- Hideous Creatures: Lloigor – in the latest edition of Ken Writes about Stuff,
- Series Pitch of the Month – This month’s Pitch is a return to college life, with John Kovalic’s Campus Desk
- Letters to Lovecraft pre-order – Eighteen of today’s finest masters of the weird tale take on Lovecraft’s “Supernatural Horror in Literature” essay
- See P. XX: Two Things That Bear Repeating About GUMSHOE Scenarios – Robin D. Laws reiterates two key rules when it comes to running GUMSHOE
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – Find out what’s new from Simon Rogers
- Armada of Rust – Prevent an isolated planetary despot from starting a disastrous, self-destructive war in this scenario seed for Ashen Stars by Robin D. Laws
- Escaping the Transylvanian Whirlpool – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan takes us to Argentina in a sneak preview from the Dracula Dossier (Kickstarter coming this October)
- Outer Dark Entity Profiles: The Sulp – Robin D. Laws reminds you to clear out your closet with this stuff-loving creature for The Esoterrorists and Fear Itself
- The real Jose Robles – Adam Gauntlett discusses the inspiration behind this month’s new release, his Spanish Civil War campaign Soldiers of Pen and Ink
- What I Did On My Summer Vacation; or, September’s Stone Skin Update – Over at Stone Skin Press, things are all a-go; find out more in this update.
- Nitocris in the Funerary Chamber,1922 – Robin D. Laws explains the risks in taking photos in the tomb of a pharaoh
- The Plain People of Gen Con: Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan goes through an actual play of a 13th Age demo he ran at Gen Con
- Call of Chicago: Night’s Black 13th Agents: Relationship Rolls – Kenneth Hite creates a mash-up of 13th Age‘s Icon relationships and Night’s Black Agents to create more behind-the-scenes action and maneuvering for your NBA agents
- TimeWatch’s Excellent Adventure – Kevin Kulp looks at how a most excellent time-travel film through the viewpoint of TimeWatch
- September playtesting – This month’s line-up features Mythos, Parallel Realities, Pulp!, and Leap of Faith flavours of TimeWatch, as well as Shards of the Broken Sky for 13th Age
13th Age
- The Eyes of the Stone Thief Are Polychromatic – Simon Rogers explains the reasoning behind the decision to make Eyes of the Stone Thief a full colour book
- Icons of the Aquatic Age – Robin D. Laws relates a reflected view of the Icons from an underwater viewpoint
- D&D versus 13th Age – Who Would Win? – Simon Rogers claims it’s not the grudge match of the century
- 13th Age in Glorantha Update – With the Kickstarter steaming ahead, Rob Heinsoo talks ducks, trolls and cow-herders in this Kickstarter update
- A Fighting Chance: Two Alternative Fighters for the 13th Age – Simon Rogers commissioned ASH LAW to envisage a light and heavy fighter
13th Age Resource page updates
- 13th Age Conditions deck (.zip file by Kazekami, created with permission)
Other Resource page updates
- The Gaean Reach Resource page – contains character sheets, taglines, articles, and other resources to be downloaded for The Gaean Reach RPG
See Page XX Poll