Yearly Archives: 2015

Malandros – A New DramaSystem Game

[Editor’s note: the Malandros Kickstarter ended on 20th November 2015] Malandros is a tabletop roleplaying game based on the award-winning DramaSystem rules engine created by Robin Laws. Like its predecessor Hillfolk, it’s a game of personal struggles and interpersonal drama. Making a new DramaSystem game like this is possible thanks to the generous backers of the […]

See P. XX: Free-For-All DramaSystem Procedural Resolution

A column on roleplaying by Robin D. Laws A while back in the Alma Mater Magica series I’ve been running we came across an unusual situation not covered by the DramaSystem procedural rules. A wizardly confrontation pitted at least three player factions against each other. I polled the players to find out what their characters […]

13th Sage: Secret Origins of the Escalation Die

Jonathan and I usually agree on the mechanics of 13th Age, but our memories don’t always agree when it comes to how key mechanics were created.* The escalation die is a prime example. I remember using the escalation die in a bizarro 4e game, fighting minions of Torog, back before we started work on 13th Age. […]

The Siren Song of Crossover

When I start a new series, I always intend to keep it separate from the last one. Certain factors inevitably continue from one game to the next. At the top of this list appear the habits of individual players in creating and portraying their characters. The way any two players tend to riff off one […]

See P. XX: Making Trail Personal

See P. XX A column on roleplaying by Robin D. Laws Lovecraft specialized in tales of cosmic horror, in which the insignificance of mere personality pales when confronted with the utter indifference of a materialistic universe. His heroes go mad or are destroyed by monstrous stand-ins for a reality that takes no note of human […]

New See Page XX out now!

In this month’s See Page XX, pre-order the 13th Age GM screen, grab new free fiction, scenario seeds for Esoterrorists and Mutant City Blues, and more Dracula Dossier news than you can shake a stake at. Our new releases include the pre-order for the 13th Age Game Master’s Screen and Resource book, Cthulhu Apocalypse PDF, The Long Con PDF, final 13 […]

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