Conventions needing GMs

We get a number of emails every month from conventions looking for GMs to run Pelgrane games, particularly 13th Age, Trail of Cthulhu and Night’s Black Agents. If you’re interested in running a Pelgrane Press game at one of the conventions below, please email me with the following details:

  • Convention name
  • Your name
  • Number of 2-hour games you can run (13th Age only)
  • Number of 4-hour games you can run
  • Preferred days and times for your games to run
  • If you would like us to provide an adventure, or you’re running your own
  • T-shirt size

If your local convention needs Pelgrane GMs, tell them to get in touch.


Gen Con

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Dates: August 4th to 7th, 2016

GMs needed: All Pelgrane games. but particularly Trail of Cthulhu, Night’s Black Agents and 13th Age – see high demand list here!


Dragon Con

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Dates: September 2nd to 5th, 2016

GMs needed: 13th Age,  all GUMSHOE games



Location: Dayton, Ohio

Dates: November 11th-13th, 2016

GMs needed: 13th Age,  all GUMSHOE games

Check out their Kickstarter here!



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