A big Carcosan shout out goes to our backers of the Kickstarter for The Yellow King Roleplaying Game. Their fast and frankly overwhelming support got us over the top in four hours. Now their ravening enthusiasm has led them to crash through what I planned as days worth of stretch goals on an equally surprising day two.
If you belong to that exalted host, I, the entire team at Pelgrane Press, and our roster of artists and visual wizards, all express our black-starred regards.
You’ve certainly kept me hopping keeping the stretch goal boiler bubbling. On one hand, this delightful early frenzy delayed my morning coffee intake today. On the other, it gives me the wiggle room to tighten up future thresholds between goals once we exit this eye-popping initial period and discover what a normal pace for this campaign looks like.
I’d stick around and chat but the stars are turning black again, which means it’s time to return to the stretch goal mines.
Thanks again, not only for your backing, but for the signal boosting so many of you have been doing out there in Social Media Land. (This is only fitting, as that kingdom clearly lies near the lake of Hali.) Together we can continue to build additional awesomeness and terror into YKRPG. —RDL