Agents battling The Esoterrorists at the behest of the Ordo Veritatis receive their cases from a rotating roster of briefers, all of whom refer to each other under the same codename: Mr. Verity. Typically they meet their teams on site, near the eruption of Outer Dark activity at the heart of the present case. Mr. Verity never overtly reveals personal details about him, her or themself, but from accent, manner and attire investigators may infer a rich and unknowable life outside the horror-hunting business.
A case requiring extensive local logistical support work features a Mr. Verity from the local area. Unlike other briefers he may appear in subsequent scenes to translate, make introductions, and otherwise handle mundane arrangements.
The default Mr. Verity looks and acts like a mid-career FBI or NCA administrator. Others display a perhaps unexpected individuality.
Grab an unconventional Mr. Verity for your scenarios from this list,
A curly-haired, angular trans woman who wears a purple shawl over a black sweater and tweed skirt. Photorealistic stickers of fruits and vegetables cover her laptop.
A haunted-looking man of South Asian extraction with intense eyes and extensive burn scars. He unconsciously clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth when pausing to think.
A smiling, heavy-set man with Mediterranean features, shaved head, and large waxed mustache. He wears a Blackpool FC jersey. If asked about it, he says he actually prefers baseball.
A tall, frowning man whose accent identifies him as having grown up in Cameroon and then lived for perhaps a couple of decades in the present location. He sports a corduroy jacket and horn-rimmed spectacles. A buzzing fly, to which he directs angry glances, distracts him from his spiel.
A woman with close-cropped hair. She wears a suit jacket and a bolo tie shaped like the state of Texas. From her shaded glasses and white cane, agents can tell that she is blind. A glance at her hands reveals a fresh manicure.
A young, well-muscled man in a tight My Little Pony T-shirt. Acne scars spot his cheek. He wears a Rolex. Trivia clocks it as a fake.
The standard FBI-seeming Mr. Verity, except she has a long-haired tabby in a cat carrier.
The server at the diner where the team has been instructed to gather opens a manila envelope containing a partially unspooled cassette tape. He didn’t see the person who left it, but it came with a sticky note describing the agents, and a $50 tip for him.
The same Mr. Verity from a previous case, with long white hair, liver spots and other signs of advanced age. The team last met this briefer six months ago, looking decades younger.
Love this – I always try to make my Mr Verity’s interesting and diverse, I think it adds to the fun!!