View From the Pelgrane’s Nest – September 2022

We are slowly, but surely, getting back into the swing of things here in the Pelgrane’s Nest, and See Page XX is back! See Page XX is one of the key ways we communicate what we’re working on, and what’s coming up in Pelgrane Press, and during the pandemic this vital outlet fell by the wayside, with works in progress grinding inexorably towards a halt. Thanks to the generosity of our Patreon backers, we’re delighted to bring it back, full to the proverbial brim of articles, new releases, details on the current status of everything we’re working on, and playtesting opportunities.

So a massive thank you to Anish Hermon, Charles Paradis, gamedave, R. Brian Scott, Peter Nix, Cody Swendrowski, Clark Olson-Smith, Jim McCarthy, Emma Marlow, Craig Maloney, Vivienne Dunstan, Finyet, Brandon Thompson, Phil LaDouceur, Justin, Michael Knowles, Peter, S. Go, Bryant Durrell, P. Troilus, George Poles, and Michael Maneval for getting us off to a flying start!

NEW RELEASE: Alteregomania

As a(n unexpectedly avid) viewer of recent TV adaptation of The Boys, I was delighted to read Michael Duxbury’s first GUMSHOE One-2-One game, Alteregomania. The city of New Olympus really captures the essence of the Voight-controlled New York, and its caped crusaders are just as…let’s call them “complex”… as the Seven.The solo player is Klara Koenig, an investigative reporter determined to hold the supers to the same standards as everyone else.

The Alteregonmania PDF contains all the rules you need to run a one-player plus GM game for Klara Koenig in New Olympus, as well as a full adventure to explore the setting. And as it only needs two players, it’s easy to grab when you can’t get a group together as we come into the miserable weather season here in the northern hemisphere.


Yes! We soft-launched a See Page XX Patreon at Gen Con this year, and my eternal gratitude to those of you have already jumped on it, as well as those of you on our Discord server who shared your thoughts. We’re still very much learning what our Patreon will look like, and what cool stuff we can do with it, so please do comment over there, or email us at the usual address, with your ideas and feedback.

Website update

The indomnitable Becky and CJ have been hard at work migrating the old orders, and the good news is that most of the bookshelves have now been updated. Becky and CJ are still working through a couple of large spreadsheets, so items in these categories will still be missing:

  • Orders for products no longer available. These weren’t set up on the new website, and so I need to go through and re-add them. I’m trying to find time-effective ways of doing this, rather than manually adding each one, and I’ve recently had some success with bulk uploads. Becky’s been pulling out all the orders containing those products, and as soon as I’ve got them all re-added, she’ll be able to migrate those orders.
  • PDFs which were part of Pelgrane Kickstarters and Bundles of Holding. The data for these items was stored in a different database table to the main orders, and so Becky’s been working on building an updated upload template so that the right products are added to the bookshelf for each Kickstarter backer. Once that’s finished, Chris will get all the Kickstarter uploads, probably in a oner, so as Becky said when I checked in with her, “it will probably be the case that people will log on one day and find everything KS has appeared (hopefully!).”
  • PDFs which were part of other companies’ Kickstarters and Bundles of Holding. Some campaigns Pelgrane provided PDFs for, but didn’t fulfill (and so don’t have the crucial customer email addresses for), such as Arc Dream’s Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game. Becky’s been recreating these as best she can from redeemed grabcodes we sent to backers, but if you didn’t redeem your The Fall of DELTA GREEN PDF from the grabcode, we don’t have a note of it being due to you. (How to resolve this? Same as always – drop Becky an email).
  • PDFs we manually added for Bits and Mortar customers, customers who bought our books in their FLGS, freelancers, reviewers, and other cherished peeps. Again, this data was stored in a separate database table with a different configuration to our main store orders data tables, so Becky and Chris will need to reconfigure their upload templates to add these. As this is likely the smallest category of missing data, they’re leaving this until last.

Once we believe we’ve got all the data migrated, we’ll let you all know it’s finished. We encourage you to review your bookshelf at that point and get in touch if there’s anything still missing – Becky’s come across a couple of orders which were missed during the original migration, e.g. in instances when the product wasn’t on the website at the time.

When we’ve finished all of that, our next step will be fixing the bugs and missing features. Lorraine Slakinski, our work placement student who’s with us until January, recently completed a customer journey as someone using the website for the first time. She was able to identify a number of pain points in the store process that I’ve become kind of blind to, so that was really helpful! If there’s something you’re finding particularly confusing or irksome, please do let us know, either by emailing us or by adding it to the #pelgrane-website-bugs channel on our Discord.

Until next time,


P. S. Looking for an update on one of our books? Check the Latest Releases and Coming Soon accordions on this month’s See Page XX post!

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