See Page XX: The Pelgrane Press webzine
September 2022 edition
The skies above New Olympus are patrolled by caped crusaders, but these superior beings wield their powers with reckless disregard, serving the interests of corporate overseers, and silencing those who oppose their will. Alteregomania contains everything you need to run a GUMSHOE One-2-One adventure for Klara Koenig, an investigative journalist for The Pedestrian, set in a universe of corrupt superheroes.
STATUS: Available now for immediate purchase.
Swords of the Serpentine
A GUMSHOE sword & sorcery game of daring heroism, sly politics, and bloody savagery, set in a fantasy city rife with skulduggery and death, with a focus on high-action roleplaying and investigation inspired by the stories of Fritz Leiber, Terry Pratchett, Robert E. Howard, and others.
STATUS: Pre-orders shipped and available now for immediate purchase.
Drakkenhall: City of Monsters
A 13th Age sourcebook for GMs running adventurer and champion-tier campaigns. Featuring Ailor the Draco-Druid, kaiju shark mooks, 60 other monsters, the secret history of the Dragon’s Orc statue, gnarly ideas for replacing missing limbs, urban planning notes, and light rules and guidelines for sea travel in the Dragon Empire.
STATUS: Pre-orders shipped and available now for immediate purchase.
Fearful Symmetries
A William Blake-inspired magical 1930s England sandbox campaign setting into Trail of Cthulhu. Play a group of magicians exploring the magickal revival; wielding the terrible, double-edged power that grants both dominion and degeneration.
STATUS: USA pre-orders shipped. Print issues have delayed non-USA pre-orders; final print copies should arrive with shippers in early November 2022 and non-USA pre-orders will be shipped then.
Book of the New Jerusalem
Written as the companion volume to Fearful Symmetries for Trail of Cthulhu, The Book of the New Jerusalem can be used as a Keeper’s resource as well as an in-game artefact for players in any Mythos game, and it stands alone as an entertaining guide to English folklore.
STATUS: USA pre-orders shipped. Print issues with Fearful Symmetries have delayed non-USA pre-orders; final print copies should arrive with shippers in early November 2022 and non-USA pre-orders will be shipped then.
Even Death Can Die
The Borellus Connection
Legions of Carcosa: The Yellow King RPG Bestiary
Do you have a reality horror mystery crying out for a fresh and bizarre villain to drive it? Legions of Carcosa solves your problems by helping you create some for your The Yellow King RPG Belle Époque art students, Continental War soldiers, alternate reality ex-insurgents, and ordinary people trapped in unraveling normalcy.
STATUS: Final text written & copyedited; Robin D. Laws working on AI art.
Black Star Magic
New magic rules for The Yellow King RPG, including 144 startling spells, background material on Carcosan magic in all four YKRPG settings, and GM guidance showing you how to incorporate player-facing occult powers into your game.Plus, a quartet of scenarios, allowing the characters of each sequence to make double-edged deals with the world of sorcery.
STATUS: Aileen Miles working on layout. Should be going to the printer in December 2022.
Fifth Imperative
Suburban Consumption of the Monstrous
An anthology of stand-alone horror live action roleplaying games written by Banana Chan and Sadia Bies. Each game is set in suburbia and uses themes of food or consuming something as the centerpiece.
STATUS: In layout, going to print November 2022.
Brought to Light
From the rotting rooftops of Sag Harbor to the glittering ballrooms of Alderhall, the city of Eversink welcomes you – assuming you can survive it! This collection features four one-shot adventures by Kevin Kulp for Swords of the Serpentine, each designed to be played in four hours with pre-generated Heroes.
STATUS: First draft submitted and being copyedited, art notes being written up.
The Paragon Blade
In The Paragon Blade, you play a hero in a fantastical land, still scarred by the evil of the fallen Hellbound Empire. Mystery and magic collide in tales of conspiratorial wizards, monstrous foes, and arcane intrigue that evoke classic tales of swords and sorcery.Designed by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan for one player and one GM using the GUMSHOE One-2-One system.
STATUS: Final text submitted, art completed, copyediting completed, about to go into layout.
Behemoths: Paths of the Koru
A sourcebook for GMs running champion and epic-tier 13th Age campaigns. The earth shakes as the Koru Behemoths make their great circuit around the Dragon Empire. Even the icons must adapt or be trampled!
STATUS: Final manuscript being edited by Trisha DeFoggi.
The Ocean Game
A campaign framework for Fear Itself. Building on the original horrifying work of Dave Allsop, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan and Padraic Barrett’s The Ocean Game features four scenarios, new creatures and conspiracies of unremitting horror, and the realms beyond the Membrane.
STATUS: First draft manuscript available for playtesting.
Boundary of the Darkness
The Lunar Society are a dining club of natural philosophers, industrialists, and radical intellectuals, the embodiment of the Enlightenment. They have wealth, knowledge, and principles. Simultaneously, members of the Bluestockings Society, who meet to discuss art, literature, and politics, have—in their most secret meetings—formed Friends of Blue, a private organisation set up to protect the world from the devastating knowledge of the Mythos. Boundary of the Darkness is an 18th century campaign frame for Trail of Cthulhu by Phil Masters and Sarah Saltiel.
STATUS: First draft manuscript submitted and being developed by Cat.
Prophet of the Pyre
A 10-level campaign by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan for 13th Age, taking heroes from lowly adventurers exploring their first dungeon to epic heroes fighting the turning of the Age.
STATUS: First draft manuscript submitted and being developed by Rob and J-M DeFoggi.
Cassilda’s Song
A massive scenario series by Robin D. Laws for The Yellow King Roleplaying Game, which spans all four of its core sequences.Its overarching plot turns on a contest between the two daughters of the King in Yellow, Cassilda and Camilla, who race with one another to destroy the timelines, winning the favor of their pallid father. Camilla seeks a cataclysm of blood and fire. Cassilda intends to dissolve reality into hallucinatory delirium.
STATUS: Paris sequence written and playtesting soon. Robin writing other sequences.
A Poison Tree
A campaign for Trail of Cthulhu, a generational saga that spans the globe and 350 years of history as the players take on different roles across five chapters and three interludes. The campaign culminates in world-changing events in the present day, as the players correlate all of their findings, and decide on the destiny of humanity itself!
A Poison Tree was originally conceived and written by Matthew Sanderson, Paul Fricker and Scott Dorward, and has been developed and updated by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan.
STATUS: Gareth working on edits based on playtest feedback.
Icon Followers
A 13th Age sourcebook focusing on playable monster-stats for human and humanoid NPCs of the Dragon Empire. Want stats for a city guard, gladiator, traveling priest, bardic college student, or Imperial Legionnaire? Icon Followers gives you options for many such NPCs, further distinguished by their chosen icon or their home environment. Less generic write-ups cover intriguing agents of the icons such as the Blue’s diplomatic envoys and the Priestess’ minotaur labyrinth-keepers.
STATUS: Writing paused while Rob focuses on 13th Age 2nd Edition.