We’re looking for GMs to run our games at Gen Con 2025 in Indianapolis! If you’re interested in joining the GM crew at Gen Con, please email gamemasters@pelgranepress.com (click here to open with your email client) with the following info: Your name Your Gen Con registered email address Your t-shirt size Number of 4-hour games you […]
Author Archives: Cat Tobin
The Basics You and your teammates are elite investigators drawn from various walks of life, all with a background in investigation. You are reality’s last defenders, combating the plots of the Esoterrorists, a loose affiliation of occult terrorists who seek to gain personal power by tearing the fabric of the world apart and letting the […]
We’re just back from another brilliant Dragonmeet, held – for, we hear, the last time – in the Hammersmith Novotel in London. Ken, Robin, Gareth and myself joined Simon and booth stalwarts Jay Godden and Elina Gouliou for the fastest day of the year. It was great, as always, to catch up with everyone, and […]
After months of waiting, we’re thrilled to announce that Trail of Cthulhu Second Edition is live on Backerkit! The campaign features the new, extended core book and Boundary of the Darkness, containing two 1800s campaign settings for Trail of Cthulhu 2e – the natural philosophers of the Lunar Society, and the erudite wordsmiths of the […]
by Jim McCarthy (jwmuk) It’s Gen Con 2024 on 2-4 August and any right minded tabletop roleplaying game aficionado is going to be heading to Indianapolis in the grand ole US of A, but if you can’t make it, despair no longer, a dedicated group of seven passionate Pelgrane players have come up with Pelicon […]
By Kevin Kulp The problem with a sinking city is all those sub-basements. Things set up shop down there, turning your great-great-grandmother’s long-forgotten ballroom into their personal lair. You’d never know if you didn’t find the burrowed tunnels… and if your friends didn’t keep disappearing. Eversink, it turns out, occasionally has a ghoul problem. The […]
by Rob Heinsoo Tonight’s the night for our Teachers of the Court 13th Age campaign. We just turned 4th level and it’s my job to choose monsters-worth-playtesting for tonight’s action. The campaign is named after the cover story the PCs adopted to put off agents of this campaign’s infernal Archmage: “We’re not weird adventurers, we’re Teachers […]
by Travis Johnson When you’re heading down into the ghoul tunnels or about to mount that final, fateful raid on the vampire lord’s lair, you’re going to want a little more bang for your buck than you can find at your local sporting goods store. Sure, the judicious use of Preparedness and Network can tip […]
By Kevin Kulp This is the ninth in our series on non-human heroes which has so far covered the Serpentine, the spider-like Arakene, the Considerata (humans whose souls are contractually linked to gods), Constructs, the fungal Drowned, fey Hidden Folk, Intelligent Animals, and Unsleeping Advisors (secret undead). The city of Eversink borders both river and sea, […]