Tag Archives: GM opportunities

GMs needed for Gen Con 2024 – in Indianapolis and online!

We’re looking for GMs to run our games at Gen Con Online, and also at the in-person event in Indianapolis! If you’re interested in joining the GM crew at Gen Con, please email gamemasters@pelgranepress.com (click here to open with your email client) with the following info: Your name Your Gen Con registered email address Your t-shirt size […]

Pelgrane GMs Needed for PAX Unplugged 2017

UPDATE: Booth space at PAX Unplugged is sold out, and PAX has told us that there is no open gaming at the con—the only game events will be those run by exhibitors. As a result, we unfortunately won’t have a presence at PAX Unplugged 2017. (Unless someone miraculously drops out and no one’s ahead of […]

Pelgrane GMs Needed for Gen Con 2017

We’re still looking for GMs to run our games at Gen Con 2017! If you’re interested in joining the GM crew at Gen Con, please email us at support@pelgranepress.zendesk.com with the following info: Your name and, if you have one, a nickname, alias, or online handle that gamers might know you by (e.g. cthulhuchick, Heavy Metal GM) Your convention-registered email […]

Conventions seeking GMs

We get a number of emails every month from conventions looking for GMs to run Pelgrane games, particularly 13th Age, Trail of Cthulhu and Night’s Black Agents. If you’re interested in running a Pelgrane Press game at one of the conventions below, please email me with the following details: Convention name Your name Number of 2-hour […]

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