Category Archives: News

Inmates Trail Of Cthulhu Campaign Frame at Flames Rising

The Big Green Existential Menace has been good to me lately, so when the squamous hordes at the Flames Rising horror webzine sought me out for a contribution to their ongoing Cthulhu week, I could hardly decline. Pop on over for “Inmates”, a Trail of Cthulhu campaign frame that starts where the careers of many […]

First preview of the Eternal Lies Suite

Ok I promised that I would give out a preview of the Eternal Lies Suite. Here is a piece from early in the game. It’s an ambient piece designed to be played as a loop during a specific scene and it introduces an important theme that will be heard throughout the suite. Melancholy ambient theme […]

Ripped From the Headlines: Glitter Rat

Learning that the implements used in Elvis Presley’s autopsy are up for public auction, the Ordo Veritatis dispatches a team to monitor the sale. Celebrity autopsy equipment has a habit of going missing, often in conjunction with a subsequent rash of inexplicable deaths. A roving Esoterror cell seeks the implements but would rather steal them […]

Arkham Detective Tales Update

There were a few not unreasonably mutterings that Arkham Detective Tales did not contain any adventures set in Arkham.  There were also mumblings that the editing, credited to a certain Simon Rogers, was not up to our usual standards. We have taken steps to resolve this. First, Simon Rogers has been removed from editing duties.  […]

Cthulhu Apocalypse Playtesters wanted

We are looking for playtesters for a short campaign set in the UK in the 1930s following a global, Mythos-related disaster in the 1930s. I’ve played through this, and it’s great, and very different to any other Cthulhu adventure. It’s written by Graham Walmsley, who wrote The Dying of St Margarets and The Watchers in […]

The Book of Unremitting Horror Reviews

Reviews from BOUH is our most critically acclaimed book, with it and its d20 cousin receiving a clean sweep of eight five star ratings on  Read the reviews of the d20 version (a subset of the GUMSHOE version) here and the GUMSHOE version here. From the art and fiction to the abilities and […]

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