Category Archives: 13th Age

13th Age game

13th Sage: Evolving Icons

How can/should you change the Icons over the course of a campaign? I remember hearing, maybe at a Gen Con panel, that “If at least one Icon isn’t dead or changed by Epic tier you’re doing something wrong.” Suggestions or musings on how best to do this could be helpful. A great question! I’ll start […]

13th Age GenCon Follow-up!

[[The Emperor, original pencils by Aaron McConnell, newly painted by Lee Moyer]] We had two fun 13th Age panels at GenCon a couple weeks ago. We didn’t record the 13th Age Second Edition panel or the Monster Design Workshop, so I’m going to report a few questions that came out of the panels or that […]

Eyes of the Stone Thief: After The Orc Lord

The upcoming 2nd edition of 13th Age updates the rules, tweaks the classes, gives lots of useful Icon-related advice – and murders the poor Orc Lord. It’s up to you how the Orc Lord perished in your campaign. The Eyes of the Stone Thief campaign does make quite a few references to the Orc Lord, […]

Paint and Song

by Rob Heinsoo Tonight’s the night for our Teachers of the Court 13th Age campaign. We just turned 4th level and it’s my job to choose monsters-worth-playtesting for tonight’s action. The campaign is named after the cover story the PCs adopted to put off agents of this campaign’s infernal Archmage: “We’re not weird adventurers, we’re Teachers […]

13th Age 2E: Wood Elf Kin Powers

Here’s another installment of the new kin powers from 13th Age 2E. If you played using the original core book, you probably noticed that wood elves rocked. That presented a challenge which we did not tackle in the Alpha Playtest Packet. Here’s what’s coming in the 2E Beta Playtest Packet in a few weeks Wood […]

13 Quick Iconic Plots

The first time I played 13th Age, lo these many years ago, Rob used the 13th Age Convention Demo, which shows off the improv-friendly flexibility of the game by letting the players pick One Unique Things and Icon Relationships, and then putting together a quick combat encounter based on those Icons. Here are thirteen really […]

Four Schemes of the Cult of the Devourer

The Cult of the Devourer, as seen in Eyes of the Stone Thief, are the descendants of enemies of the Emperor. They were exiled from the Dragon Empire, and ended up riding along in a living dungeon that they intended to one day turn into a weapon against the ‘usurpers’. The cult’s original goal of […]

Expanded Rituals

Ritual Magic permits a spell caster to turn one of their prepared spells into an improvised plot-bending miracle. All they need to do is have the Ritual Casting feat,  sacrifice one of their available spells, and make a skill check. The rules and Difficulty Class are simple and largely in the purview of the Gamemaster […]

Iconic Agents of Spireshadow Vale

The upcoming Prophet of the Pyre campaign takes the player characters from 1st to 10th level, from fresh-faced young adventures to epic heroes. The first part of the campaign takes place in a remote valley, isolated from the rest of the Empire. Most of the characters have never left this valley and so do not (yet!) have […]

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