Category Archives: 13th Age

13th Age game

Secrets of the Truthcallers

by Jay Godden, edited by Isaac Rolfe and Rob Heinsoo, art by Lee Moyer & Aaron McConnell Read the introductory post here. In the much anticipated Second Edition of 13th Age we can expect to see a few changes to magic items. For the 13th and final article in this series, we explore a magic […]

Artefacts of the Ancestral Mountains

by Jay Godden, edited by Isaac Rolfe and Rob Heinsoo, art by Aaron McConnell & Lee Moyer Read the introductory post here. Origins: It’s said, mostly by dwarves (and their magic items!), that the first seven dwarves were carved directly from the mountains. The Smith God made a gift to each of the first seven […]

Pelgrane Press Commissions Community Icons Art

by Tim Baker Pelgrane Press and Fire Opal Games have always offered a generous compatibility license for 13th Age. While the 13th Age SRD contains hundreds of pages of content, the Dragon Empire and its icons are Product Identity, meaning they aren’t included in the Open Game Content that other publishers can freely use. With […]

13th Age comes to The Foundry

by Ellen Abolt We are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with the community developers of Toolkit 13, the community 13th Age system on Foundry VTT. As of the latest release, Toolkit 13 is now simply 13th Age. As official partners, we’ll be working directly with the community developers on future endeavors. They will […]

Relics of Drowned Sahua

by Jay Godden, edited by Isaac Rolfe and Rob Heinsoo, art by lee Moyer & Aaron McConnell Read the introductory post here. The Ancient Sahuans were a proud and noble people, living during the reign of the Wizard King as rulers of their independent coastal citadel. Their magic, craftsmanship, skill at war, and shipbuilding prowess […]

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