Category Archives: See Page XX

The 2019 ENnie Awards

The nominations for the 2019 ENnie Awards have been released, and we’re delighted to announce that Pelgrane Press has been nominated in four categories: Best Adventure: The Persephone Extraction, by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Heather Albano, Emma Marlow, Will Plant, and Bill White Best Monster/Adversary: Hideous Creatures: A Bestiary of the Cthulhu Mythos, by Kenneth Hite, Gareth […]

Call of Chicago: Our Ladies of Sorrow

“In the moonlight opposite me were three young women, ladies by their dress and manner. I thought at the time that I must be dreaming when I saw them, for, though the moonlight was behind them, they threw no shadow on the floor. … There was something about them that made me uneasy, some longing […]

Gunsmith to the Gangsters

by Travis Johnson When you’re heading down into the ghoul tunnels or about to mount that final, fateful raid on the vampire lord’s lair, you’re going to want a little more bang for your buck than you can find at your local sporting goods store. Sure, the judicious use of Preparedness and Network can tip […]

View From the Pelgrane’s Nest – April 2024

I’m delighted to start off with a shout-out to our  estimable Patreon backers! Thanks to Peter, Bryan, Clark, Jim, Emma, Craig, Phil, Bryant, P. Troilus, Michael M, ScottKey, Michael B, Andreas, Ranting John, Samwise, Michael H, Andy, Mark R, Daniel F, Jiří K, heartdoc32, Marcus, and Cena!! NEW RELEASE: The Ocean Game pre-order Way, way […]

See P. XX: Payoff Interludes for GUMSHOE

A column about roleplaying by Robin D. Laws A recent observation I’m adding to my Things I Always Say file is that when players worry about a scenario being railroaded or linear, what they really mean is not that it lacked choices or branch points, but that they didn’t get to Do Their Thing. Many […]

View From the Pelgrane’s Nest – March 2024

I’m delighted to start off with a shout-out to our  estimable Patreon backers! Thanks to Peter, Bryan, Clark, Jim, Emma, Craig, Phil, Bryant, P. Troilus, Michael M, ScottKey, Michael B, Andreas, Ranting John, Samwise, Michael H, Andy, Mark R, Daniel F, Jiří K, heartdoc32, Marcus, and Eric!! NEW RELEASE: Your Dead Eyes My Mirror New […]

The Vroomfondel Technique

Player input into a game is a wonderful and multifaceted thing. It’s not just that it takes some of the burden of creativity off the GM (“I don’t know, you tell me who your character knows that’s an expert on Etruscan demonology”), it also gives the players a sense of investment and ownership, and gives […]

February 2024 playtesting

Please email for instructions on how to take part in this playtest! Title: Cassilda’s Song: This is Normal Now section System: The Yellow King RPG Authors: Robin D. Laws Deadline for return of feedback: Monday, June 3rd, 2024 Number of sessions: 1-2 sessions per each of the four adventures Description: Like the YKRPG itself, Cassilda’s Song consists […]

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