After a herculean struggle with the delivery company, the Trail of Cthulhu Greatest Covers Posters have arrived! The initial orders have gone out and we’re pleased to say that the three A2 posters look fantastic. Jerome’s amazing artwork is shown in all its horrific, ENnie-award-nominated glory. These posters are a limited edition print run, we […]
Category Archives: Trail of Cthulhu
John Stavropoulos declared Armitage Files his Best RPG Purchase of 2010. Read more here. Why do I love it? Most modules don’t fit my style of GMing. I’m a very improvisational GM who likes to build scenarios around my players (rather than run railroady static scenarios where the players feel disconnected and “dropped in”). The […]
Dan Harms over at On the Shelf Reviews has given Bookhounds a thorough examining with positive results. You can read the full review here. To the usual Trail mix of Pulp vanilla and Purist chocolate, we now get rainbow sherbert Arabesque, rocky road sordid, and disgustingly neon Technicolor. We can only hope that Pelgrane provides […]
Here at Pelgrane we’ve increased our production over the past four months so we have a lot of new projects that need playtesting in exchange for our eternal gratitude and a credit in the relevant book/PDF. If you’re interested in helping us out with the playtests, please email me stating the name of the playtest […]
There’s an online game of Bookhounds on billed as “Bran and Crowe Secondhand Books, a Trail of Cthulhu game in the Purist idiom with the Book-Hounds of London campaign frame.”
An On the Shelf Review of the new WW1 Trail of Cthulhu adventure, Not So Quiet by Adam Gauntlett. The scenario itself has an impressive cast, a cult with well-thought-out motivations, a logical choice of Mythos antagonist, and enough non-Mythos activity to keep players guessing… Not So Quiet is another solid addition to the Trail […]
We know that Jérome Huguenin’s atmospheric, ENnie-award-nominated art for Trail of Cthulhu is very popular, and so we’ve released three A2-sized (16.5 x 23.4 in), high-resolution gloss posters printed on 200gsm paper. The front covers of Trail of Cthulhu, Rough Magicks and Arkham Detective Tales were chosen for this privilege. Half of the profit goes […]
There is a Castle Bravo actual play report here at Nerdbound, with some excellent feedback from Bill White, the writer.
An actual play review of Trail of Cthulhu on – 8/10. The Gumshoe system is an investigation-oriented one, and this orientation is well suited to many Mythos scenarios. We enjoyed playing our characters and didn’t have too much trouble picking up the system. I’d recommend it. It might not work for some scenario types […]
Not So Quiet, Adam Gauntlett’s new adventure for Trail of Cthulhu set in the Great War is now available on RPGNow!