Category Archives: Trail of Cthulhu

The Church of Little St Hugh and its “Heretic’s Library”

A resource for Bookhounds of London, by James Haughton and Bret Kramer  Just off Charterhouse Street in Smithfield is a vacant lot adjacent to the newly built power station. There are the charred remains of a slate floor, a few cracked sandstone blocks, and a wrought iron plaque stating “Here stood the Church of Little St. Hugh, […]

Call of Chicago: Dreamhounds of Brooklyn

“The inner world of our subjective life is quite as real as the objective.” — O. Louis Guglielmi, 1943 I hardly need to tell you good people about the very excellence of Robin’s (and my, and Steve Dempsey’s) Dreamhounds of Paris. But I suspect it may be something of an uphill fight for more conventionally minded […]

The Plain People of Gaming: Sects in the City

A Dispatch From Cthulhu City.  Cults are a major part of Cthulhu City. The setting mashes Arkham, Dunwich, Innsmouth and Kingport together with the Mythos’ other great cities – the City of the Elder Things, the City of Pillars, Carcosa, Pnakatos, Rlyeh, the Marvellous Sunset City of the Dreamland – and each of those cities […]

The Plain People of Gaming: No Screw-Ups

The streets here are a concrete labyrinth. I try to go one block east, towards the ocean, and find myself crossing another bridge over the grey waters of the Miskatonic, and I’m back on the north side of the city, climbing up towards the civic monstrosity that squats atop Sentinel Hill. Transport Police, their faces […]

Call of Chicago: Task Force Alpha

“Just as it is almost impossible to be an agnostic in the Cathedral of Notre Dame, so it is difficult to keep from being swept up in the beauty and majesty of the Task Force Alpha temple.” — Leonard Sullivan, Deputy Director of Defense Research & Engineering, in 1968 There are, in fact, lots of […]

The Eyes of Rudolf Esper

An opening scene for Trail of Cthulhu Dr. Ellis Brock, a medical doctor acquainted with one of the PCs, asks them to consult on a curious case. A young patient, Rudolf Esper, presented himself to Brock exhibiting the telltale symptoms associated with ocular syphilis: damage to the retina, nerves and blood vessels at the back […]

Cult of Redeeming Light

Cult for Trail of Cthulhu Ever since humanity stared into the first flames and saw a cause for worship, cults secretly venerating Cthugha have arisen within existing religions to lure the young and fervent to immolation. In the contemporary west, this pattern manifests in the Cult of Redeeming Light. Founded by French knight, occultist and […]

Call of Chicago: The Eyes Have It

“The Air Force seems inescapable, like the Eye of God, and soon, you imagine … all will be razed, charred, defoliated by that searching gaze.” — Mary McCarthy, 1967 “The General is another matter. … In his fifties, he is mild, pleasant, soft-spoken, and not bad-looking … but he has hollow eyes. I don’t know quite what […]

He Wants His Books Back

A Trail of Cthulhu scenario hook When Georgian-era occultist Samuel Chasable first set about assembling his library, he could not help but think of the fate of John Dee’s book collection. Notoriously, the brother-in-law of the Elizabethan seer and statesman let Dee’s volumes fall into the hands of rivals while the great man journeyed to […]

Call of Chicago: What We Talk About When We Talk About Leng

One of the joys of writing a whole new Cthulhoid core book (The Fall of Delta Green, and thank you for asking) is attempting yet another take on the old familiar Mythos legendry. The technothriller tone of Delta Green cries out for specifics and details and connections to our real world of war and terrorism, […]

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