Tag Archives: 13th age

Make Your Own Luck Errata

If you got your hands on a copy of Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan’s Free RPG Day adventure Make Your Own Luck, you may have noticed that it’s a great adventure. You may have also noticed a couple of typos. Wizard pre-gen: the descriptions for abjuration and evocation are switched. Rogue pre-gen’s powers: the rogue’s powers accidentally got left off – here’s […]

Make Your Own Luck: Live Play Crossover Event!

To celebrate Free RPG Day we’ve invited some well-known members of the 13th Age community to play Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan’s adventure Make Your Own Luck online via Roll20 and Google Hangouts! We’ll stream the event live here, then archive it on the 13th Age YouTube channel. On Saturday, June 21st at 3:00 PM EST / noon Pacific join: […]

13th Age Organized Play: June 2014 Update

Many thanks to our GM team and all the players who attended our games at Origins this year. We sold out of all of our games, and even squeezed in some walk-ups in the scheduled games. Kendall Jung did an amazing job of managing our play events at the show. Onward to Gen Con! Free […]

13th Sage: Orc Spear Grunt

by Rob Heinsoo When I read the fun Wrath of the Orc Lord organized-play adventure written by ALL CAPS WOMAN, aka ASH LAW, I decided I’d want another orc variety or two if I was running the adventure myself. For those keeping pace with the 13th Age OP seasons, Wrath of the Orc Lord is just about over. But I […]

Gaming Events at Origins Game Fair

Pelgrane Press will be at Origins Game Fair on June 11-14, running the following 4-hour games in the Hyatt Regency Ballroom. You can find a master spreadsheet at http://originsgamefair.com/events/games/. Hope to see you there! Event Number Event Name Event Start Date/Time Game Master 7011 13th Age – Omenquest Thu 10:00 AM Jacob Wachtman 6981 13th […]

13th Age Organized Play: May 2014 Update

by Wade Rockett I’ll start this update by sharing a graph that ASH made, showing what almost a year of 13th Age Organized Play looks like in terms of GMs and sign-ups — click the image on the right to see it more clearly. The initial bump and flatish-line represents our pre-launch OP announcement. Once […]

13th Age Updates

In his April View from the Pelgrane’s Nest column, Simon provided updates on all of Pelgrane’s current projects. Here’s the latest news on 13th Age: The 13th Age Bestiary is with the printers, on target for a mid-June delivery date. Pre-order your copy now from the Pelgrane store. It’s available on Bits and Mortar, too, […]

Shadows of Eldolan – the Evolution of a Cover

[SPOILER WARNING – contains minor spoilers for Shadows of Eldolan] With the launch of 13th Age, we required new artists  – with  The Eyes of the Stone Thief, the Free RPG Day release and Shadows Over Eldolan all ready as manuscripts, we had quite a backlog. Joshua Calloway, who I feature here, was one of […]
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