Tag Archives: 13th age

Relics of Drowned Sahua

by Jay Godden, edited by Isaac Rolfe and Rob Heinsoo, art by lee Moyer & Aaron McConnell Read the introductory post here. The Ancient Sahuans were a proud and noble people, living during the reign of the Wizard King as rulers of their independent coastal citadel. Their magic, craftsmanship, skill at war, and shipbuilding prowess […]

Relics of the Flight of Izanagi

by Jay Godden, edited by Isaac Rolfe and Rob Heinsoo, art by Kobayashi Eitaku Read the introductory post here. These items are inspired by a fictionalised retelling of the Shinto creation myth. In my own Dragon Empire, there is a large archipelago off the coast which is largely aesthetically inspired by Kamakura period Japan, where […]

13th Sage: Shocked Condition and Disengaging

13th Age cover detail

The section on damage resistance in the core book says, “If there’s an automatic damage effect that feels like it should have a chance of being reduced by resistance, go ahead and fake an attack roll to see if the effect penetrates resistance.” My question is, if the attacker has the shocked condition from the […]

The Manticorn

Over on my twitter, I sometimes post entertaining or suggestive errors as typos of the day. Yesterday, I accidentally typed “manticore” as “manticorn”, which prompted… The Manticorn According to rumour, the Manticorn was once a fearsome manticore, an ancient and especially cruel creature. In time, he came to repent of his dreadful habit of hunting […]

Fey Queen’s Holinesses

by Jay Godden, edited by Isaac Rolfe and Rob Heinsoo, art by Aaron McConnell/Lee Moyer Read the introductory post here. The many pantheons of nymphs, spirits, gods and fey worshipped in the Elf Queen’s woods are varied, capricious, and undocumented, least by the elves themselves. They have no formal priesthood, and not even the Priestess […]

One-Shot Unique Things

The redoubtable Tim Baker asks over at the Piazza forum for some tips and tricks for integrating One Unique Things into convention games. One of the delights of running 13th Age is the high-wire act of taking the players’, ah, interesting ideas and working them into your scenario, so here’s how I do it. Before […]

13th Sage: 13 Answers to 13 Questions About 13th Age

Friday the 13th Age Logo

To celebrate Friday the 13th Age, we invited the community of 13th Age GMs and players to send us their questions about the game. We chose 13 of them to answer! Our panel today includes: Rob Heinsoo: 13th Age roleplaying game co-designer and line manager Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan: designer, Eyes of the Stone Thief, Book of […]

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