When other members of the team thought of their favorite monsters, they picked the ones they wanted their characters to battle, or to unleash on their players. Head Pelgrane Cat Tobin picked the one she wanted to be. Trail of Cthulhu is an award-winning 1930s horror roleplaying game by Kenneth Hite, produced under license from […]
Tag Archives: Cathriona Tobin
Beat the scores of our top single or team contestants as our Virtual Pub Quiz unleashes fiendish questions from Robin D. Laws, Kenneth Hite, Rob Heinsoo, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Cat Tobin, and Wade Rockett. Is that dolphin charismatic or sinister? Grab a glass, virtual or actual, and find out.
Join us on YouTube for the latest Pelgrane Virtual Panel, with tips and tricks for GUMSHOE One-2-One play and design from Robin D. Laws, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Ruth Tillman and Cat Tobin. GUMSHOE One-2-One retunes, rebuilds and re-envisions the acclaimed GUMSHOE investigative rules set for one player, and one GM. Together, the two of you create […]
Cat Tobin, Pelgrane Press co-owner, managing director, and conspyramid head, zeroes in on the bedrock technique of mystery-solving as she reveals her favorite GUMSHOE ability. GUMSHOE is the groundbreaking investigative roleplaying system by Robin D. Laws that shifts the focus of play away from finding clues (or worse, not finding them), and toward interpreting clues, […]
We usually do our perennial GUMSHOE panel, the Investigative Roleplaying Masterclass, at conventions ranging from Gen Con to Dragonmeet to the Kraken. With the convention circuit suspended indefinitely, we thought it was time to do a virtual version of it, as part of our lockdown-inspired ramp-up of our YouTube channel. The live stream has now […]