A Foe for The Yellow King Roleplaying Game Mixed into tattoo ink, water from the dark lake of Hali does more than achieve a richness of black tone unavailable from terrestrial pigments. It transforms the tattoo recipient into a sleeper agent for the King and his court. The magic inherent in the tattoo remains dormant […]
Tag Archives: monster
A scenario hook for The Yellow King Roleplaying Game: This Is Normal Now The investigators step into the path of the rubbery yellow entities called hazmats when they look into the disappearance of an environmental activist. They discover that she had planned to go undercover as an employee of a toxic waste disposal company called […]
Elven Towers is a fantastic new adventure from Cal Moore—if you pre-order the print edition now, you get the full PDF and color map folio immediately as a download. It does some really interesting things with 13th Age design, but as a GM I also love that it’s full of creepy monsters. With Halloween on […]
When you need a new monster in 13th Age, customizing an existing monster is a great option. For this post, we’ll turn an existing monster—the human thug—into a variety of guards from across the Dragon Empire by adding a single, distinctive special ability. Player characters in 13th Age (and almost every other RPG) tend to […]
A lot of us with a long history of d20 fantasy gaming have shiver-inducing memories of the first time a certain grinning, many-eyed monster absolutely demolished our group of adventurers. Sadly, that iconic monster isn’t available under the OGL; but the concept is so compelling that a lot of fantasy RPGs have taken it in […]
Halloween is nigh, so I’m going to stat up some spooky monsters—in this case, pirate ghosts! These restless undead might haunt the Iron Sea coast, the rivers of the Fangs, or the Midland Sea around Necropolis and Omen. You can find all sorts of ghosts in the 13th Age Bestiary, from the Petulant Never-Was to […]
Shards of the Broken Sky has more oozes than you can hold in just one dungeon. Stirring the ooze-pot, I realized that the original black pudding from page 240 of the 13th Age core rulebook is one of the worst-designed monsters in the game. Not if you’ve been playing 13th Age. No, if you’ve been […]
Here’s what I love about the giant shark bowl ooze from Tome of Beasts 2: Creature Codex by Kobold Press: it’s a perfect over-the-top addition to a master villain’s lair in 13th Age. Spy movie masterminds often have tanks full of sharks, alligators, piranhas, and other menaces in their headquarters. These remind everyone who they’re […]
Eyecloud By ASH LAW, development by Rob Heinsoo From the moment we entered the tomb, we felt like we were being watched. We all felt it, even Sigurd. I admit I was almost grateful to watch him squirm, for a change. —Mamoru the Justly Paranoid Heralds of warped magic Clouds of floating eyes appear near […]
Part of the fun of developing adventures like Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan’s Red Crag Castle section of Book of Demons is adding monsters that complete the theme. Sometimes those missing bits turn out to be things that fill a gap in all of 13th Age, not just the one adventure. That turned out to be true for […]
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