While ebooks have their benefits, we at Pelgrane Press love physical books. But with all the advantages of ebooks, we understand that to be a bit more than printed paper stuck in a binding. They have to be beautiful, useable and durable. We use Huron Gloss premium paper in almost every case, manufactured in Ken […]
Tag Archives: printing
Our printer, Taylors has assembled the cases for the 13th Age. Next up, binding. Is one of these books yours? If not, reserve your copy today at the Pelgrane Shop or your local game store — and download the finished PDF to start playing right away.
This just in from the printers. The book blocks are printing now, but they are going on a three-week break, and the books will be bound in early July to hit our delivery times. Craig Landers, who has taken this product under his Texan wing, tells us that their presses run at 12,000 sheets per […]
Today, 13th Age goes to press. The endless ways in which printing might go wrong never cease to surprise me. Taylors have a big plant vacation between now and GenCon, so this is cutting it fine, and the team have been working late nights, with hair pulled out where it is present, and there has […]
This first half of this article looks at break even points for Pelgrane books, and the second the distribution of sales between channels in 2010. Looking Back to Look Forward In my previous post on Pelgrane Press business about six months ago, I looked at predictions I made, and analysed them. I was constitutionally incapable […]
As I discussed in Pelgrane Biz Part 1, it’s expensive and risky to print books by offset litho, even though the results are gratifying, and the rewards, if the sales are high enough, are excellent. But there is every chance that Trail of Cthulhu is a one-off success, and won’t be repeated. That said, I […]
I’ve looked over my business-related posts on my livejournal, and scoured them for predictions, to see where I have been optimistic and pessimistic.