Tag Archives: Trail of Cthulhu

Three New Trail of Cthulhu Campaign Frames

While personal hooks and drives ensure that your investigators are the ones to actually investigate the Mythos, what brings them together, as opposed to pursuing their own solitary mysteries? The Trail of Cthulhu rulebook offers several campaign frames; here are three more. Ghostly Sorcerers Against The Mythos Other ugly reports concerned my intimacy with leaders […]

Jack Belkirk

A Trail of Cthulhu GMC in Armitage Files format Resort Owner Name: Jack Belkirk Physical Description: heavy-set man in his mid-fifties, wears overly tight suits, hair slicked to scalp with faintly medicinal-smelling pomade Sinister: The blood of the Deep Ones courses through Jack’s veins. Yet when he reached the age where other members of his […]

Announcing: Trail of Cthulhu 2nd Edition!

“Labyrinthine complexity, involving curiously irregular differences in floor levels, characterised the entire arrangement; and we should certainly have been lost at the very outset but for the trail of torn paper left behind us.” — At the Mountains of Madness You may have heard whispers in the aether, or seen faint shimmerings on the tablets […]

Thirteen Things Tucked Into That Grimoire

A blurry photograph of the room where the investigators found the tome. Shadow shapes that might be the result of a double exposure or some damage to the photographic plate are visible, as if the room is haunted. Photography coupled with Chemistry might replicate the experiment and yield more information. The binding of the book […]

The Mystery & The Problem

In most mysteries, the investigator’s discovery of the crime restores the world to rights. The detective figures out that the butler did it, and the police arrest the murderer. The crime and its cover-up are an aberration, and uncovering them means the laws and morality of wider society can reassert themselves. The Cthulhu Mythos doesn’t […]

A Reappraisal of Th’rygh

For the last, er, twenty-five years or so, I’ve run a Cthulhu game every year at Warpcon. In recent years, they’ve been playtests or first drafts of material intended for publication – scenarios like A Cigarette, a Blindfold and You or, for that matter, Cthulhu City began life as con scenarios. But the early scenarios […]

My Sanity Is False! Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Cthulhu

by Tony Williams (you can download a crib sheet here for this variant rule). Here is a suggested rule variant for Trail of Cthulhu to make the dance towards insanity more peripatetic. I wanted to bring the sense of teetering over the abyss of insanity more to the fore. One false step and your investigator would […]

Restorers of Pnakotus

An alien being for Trail of Cthulhu In the impossibly ancient past, mental energy beings known as the Yithians held dominion over the world, occupying the bodies of cone-shaped non-humanoids native to the earth. To manage their authoritarian regime, they engineered a number of sapient servitor species. Many eventually rebelled against their creators, but one […]


  In Episode 480 of Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff, we used the essential elements of Mythos deities to create a new dread entity, Qotha-Nhur’rin, the Destruction at the Heart of Creation. Here she is, in Trail of Cthulhu Mythos god format. “Everything was horribly damp and bedewed, and I thought I saw an […]

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