Retailer Support FAQ – Join Our PDF Support Program
Most of the sales of our games are made through friendly local game stores. Retailers let us print greater volumes of our books, giving us better quality printing and reach more customers. We sell through major distributors, and we want to help you sell our games. This page tells you want you need to know.
How do retailers buy our games?
We sell through all major games distributors including Indie Press Revolution, Alliance Games Distrbution, Lion Rampant, Walrus and Carpenter, WarPath Games Distribution and Esdevium Games. To find your local stockist, see our contact page.
What support do you offer retailers?
To support our retailers, and encourage you to sell and promote our games, we are offering retailers the chance to give their customers copies of the PDFs of our games. We also want you to have the chance to offer pre-orders – giving your customers the PDFs of our games before shipping out the print version. These offers are not open to online discounters.
How does the PDF support program work?
You can get copies of any of our PDFs through the Bits and Mortar program. Bits and Mortar is a collection of like-minded publishers who want retailers to be able to supply PDFs to their customers where the publisher does. It’s free for retailers to join. Sign up here.
How does it work with pre-orders?
When a customer pre-orders one of our products, you simply share the PDF with them. Sometimes, we’ll update the PDF on the basis of customer feedback. In general, it will take three months from pre-order to print version, and your customers should be aware of that.