The second edition of Esoterrorists is available for pre-order, as are our Stone Skin Press fiction anthologies. 13th Age layout continues apace, and Ken works on practically everything. Ashen Stars beta ebook available from download page.
13th Age
Pre-orderers now have access to three final laid-out chapters in all their glory. Layout is taking longer than expected – we underestimated the complexity of this full-colour, art heavy book. Release is looking like April.
We’ve kicked off on the 13th Age Bestiary; Rob and Jonathan will be keeping an eye on things and adding commentary; Ash Law, Steve Townshend, amongst others will be contributing, with Ken Hite overseeing the project. Rich Longmore will be doing most of the art. Rob Heinsoo has sent a sample creature based on my outline, and our brave writers will soon be fighting over Tarrasques, Liches and Demons.
Esoterrorists 2.0
The Esoterrorists 2.0 plain PDF, epub and mobi is ready and the physical book is on pre-order. It’s 100K words, as opposed to the 25K of the original Esoterrorists which launched GUMSHOE back in 2006. It includes the latest GUMSHOE advice based on actual play experience, new creatures, two new adventures, much requested GM-facing background on the Ordo Veratatis, and Gareth Hanrahan’s small town horror setting Station Duty. Get if from the store.
Stone Skin Press
The books are in, and we are waiting on the limited edition prints before shipping them to Kickstarter backers. They’ll be going out next month. You can pre-order and get ebooks at the new Stone Skin store.
Trail of Cthulhu
Mythos Expeditions has writers assigned including Adam Gauntlett, Matthew Sanderson, Anthony Warren and Filmena Young; locations include Liberia, Ireland and Mongolia.
Will Hindmarch is working on Eternal Lies art direction and layout, giving precedence to handouts. Jerome has finished the cover.
The latest Cthulhu Apocalypse and The Final Revelation is available for playtesting.
Night’s Black Agents
I had the pleasure of playing Night’s Black Agents with Ken in person last week before his trip to WarpCon, and he ran an excellent adventure based in a night club. It was revealing to be on the receiving end of vampires rather than dishing out the damage. This adventure is excellent so I’d like to find a way to publish it.
Double Tap, the Agent’s Companion is underway.
Ashen Stars
Ralf Schemmann has produced a bunch of excellent tech cards for Ashen Stars. If we get good feedback, we”ll do it as a product with lots of other material, and expand this for Night’s Black Agents. We are considering what to include in the Ashen Stars companion.
We are looking for playtesters for Bill White’s Justice Trade.
Owl Hoot Trail and Gaean Reach
Owl Hoot Trail is being illustrated and laid out by Rich Longmore. Gaean Reach is on hold while Chris Huth completes 13th Age layout.