Quenching One’s Literary Thirst; or, Stone Skin’s June Update

Good afternoon, Pelgrane people. It’s me, Enigmatic Icon, here again with another update from Stone Skin Press. With summer nearly upon us it’s starting to get hotter than the top of my head, so we’ve got some cool links to help keep you refreshed all summer long. First up are three new entries for our ‘Stone Skin on the Rocks’ series, where we ask authors to pair their fiction with a thematic beverage:


There will be more entries in the weeks to come, plus other intriguing new developments. Be sure to follow our Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ pages for up to the minute updates, and of course there’s also the main Stone Skin site.

One last thing to mention is that our entire ebook catalog is now available through the website Weightless Books. They are a wonderful ebook merchant and entirely DRM-free, so be sure to check them out if they’re not already on your radar. Here’s our “Meet Stone Skin” post over on their site.

See you next month, and until then may all your fault lines be still.
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