The Pelgrane is flying south for the Winter (a week in Spain, anyway) so apologies for the rushed nature of this post.
This month we tread the Trail of Cthulhu, with Dulce et Decorum Est, Soldiers of Pen and Ink and The Seventh Circle available as PDFs.
But the most exciting news for me this month is the preorder offer for the long-awaited Dreamhounds of Paris and its companion book, The Book of Ants, due for physical release in January. We have proofs in hand!
Finally, creeping closer, oh so close, is the clawed and ancient hand of that most ancient of vampires. Soon, you will vant to back our Dracula Dossier Kickstarter!
13th Age
The Eyes of the Stone Thief
The Eyes of the Stone Thief is days away from layout completion.
It is gloriously monstrous and beautiful, and I am happy we made the decision to go full colour . Lee Moyer has run his eye over the art and with the permission of the artists, enhancing the images to better match the 13th Age style – an example here.Here is a full page spread:
To give you an idea of the scope, there are an extraordinary 222 new monsters and variations in the Stone Thief, along side
70 magic items.
13th Age Orders and Pre-Orders
- All the 13 True Ways and 13th Age Bestiary books have shipped – limited and otherwise. If you haven’t received yours, go to the support page.
- Shadows of Eldolan, Book of Loot and 13 True Ways PDFs will be on sale in December.
- Eyes of the Stone Thief will be available on preorder in December.
Trail of Cthulhu
Dreamhounds of Paris, I think Cat will agree, has been our most complex book to art direct, and the most challenging for the artists. Art has to reflect the nature of the PCs (actual surrealists) and the setting (the Dreamlands and Paris of the 30s). The book will include eight colour plates, now complete, reflecting this. The Book of Ants is the Dreamhounds’ equivalent of the Occult Guide to London, and that’s ready to go, laid out and illustrated byt Sarah Wroot, who also did the Occult Guide.
The Book of Ants and Dreamhounds of Paris are available on preorder as a bundle.
Dracula Dossier Kickstarter
Some of you may remember that this was due to launch on October 17th. Unfortunately, delays on Eyes of the Stone Thief and Dreamhounds of Paris – both of which are gorgeous books as a result of the extra effort – has pushed this deadline back. We are currently hoping to launch the Kickstarter this coming Monday, November 3rd – presuming we can outpace the shadowy conspiracies which have thusfar thwarted us. Here are some previews of the covers of the Unredacted Dracula and the Director’s Handbook.