a column on roleplaying
by Robin D. Laws
On a recent episode of our podcast, Ken and I talked about adapting Dreamhounds of Paris as a GUMSHOE One-2-One setting. In a moment of rash exuberance I promised to provide character cards for some of its key figures. Use these as a model for your own conversion if I failed to include the surrealist your player most wants to portray. You’ll need a copy of Dreamhounds to make use of this.
Luis Buñuel
Two Fisted Filmmaker
Investigative Abilities: [Academic]
Anthropology [Academic]
Art History [Academic]
Assess Honesty [Interpersonal]
Bargain [Interpersonal]
Charm [Interpersonal]
Chemistry [Technical]
Dream Lore [Academic]
History [Academic]
Inspiration [Interpersonal]
Intimidation [Interpersonal]
Languages (Spanish, French) [Academic]
Photography 3 [Technical]
Streetwise [Interpersonal]
Theology [Academic]
General Abilities:
Art-Making (Filmmaker) 2 dice
Athletics 2 dice
Cool 1 die
Devices 2 dice
Disguise 1 die
Dreamscaping 2 dice
Fighting 2 dice
First Aid 1 die
Instability 2 dice
Preparedness 1 die
Stability 2 dice
Starting Problem
You let your hot temper and Iberian machismo, not your superior intellect, determine when your fists go flying.
-1 to Cool tests to keep your fists in check when your temper flares.
Jean Cocteau
Resplendent Anathema
Investigative Abilities
Architecture [Academic]
Art History [Academic]
Chemistry [Technical]
Cthulhu Mythos [Academic]
Dream Lore [Academic]
Flattery [Interpersonal]
History [Academic]
Library Use [Academic]
Literature [Academic]
Medicine [Academic]
Occult [Academic]
Pharmacy [Technical]
Seduction [Interpersonal]
Streetwise [Interpersonal]
General Abilities:
Art-Making (Visual Art, Film, Fiction, Playwright) 2 dice
Art-Making (Poetry) 1 die
Athletics 1 die
Conceal 1 die
Cool 1 die (-1 penalty in real world, +1 bonus in Dreamlands)
Disguise 2 dice
Dreamscaping 2 dice
First Aid 2 dice
Fleeing 2 dice
Hypnosis 1 die
Instability 2 dice
Preparedness 1 die
Stability 1 die
Starting Problem
White Dragon
You’ve kicked your opium habit a number of times. Which is the optimistic way of saying you never quite kick your opium habit.
-1 to Cool tests when tempted by the opportunity to smoke opium, or any of its Dreamlands equivalents.
Salvador Dalí
Calculating Visionary
Investigative Abilities:
Anthropology [Academic]
Archaeology [Academic]
Architecture [Academic]
Art History [Academic]
Biology [Academic]
Charm [Interpersonal]
Chemistry [Technical]
Dream Lore [Academic]
Flattery [Interpersonal]
History [Academic]
Languages [Academic]
Library Use [Academic]
Theology [Academic]
General Abilities
Art-Making (Visual Art) 2 dice
Art-Making (Film) 1 die
Art-Making (Poetry) 1 die
Athletics 1 die
Dreamscaping 2 dice
Cool 1 die
Fleeing 2 die
Instability 2 dice
Preparedness 1 die
Stability 1 die
Sense Trouble 1 die
Stealth 1 die
Starting Problem
Dependent on Gala
Without your tigress wife by your side, even ordinary tasks, like crossing a busy street, paralyze you with fear.
-1 to Cool and Stability tests when away from Gala. After reuniting with Gala, gain +2 to Cool and +1 to Stability tests until next interval.
Protective Devourer
Investigative Abilities
Accounting [Academic]
Assess Honesty [Interpersonal]
Bargain [Interpersonal]
Biology [Academic]
Bureaucracy [Interpersonal]
Interrogation [Interpersonal]
Intimidation [Interpersonal]
Languages (Russian, French, English) [Academic]
Library Use [Academic]
Locksmith [Technical]
Medicine [Academic]
Occult [Academic]
Seduction* [Interpersonal]
Streetwise [Interpersonal]
*After making a Seduction Push, roll a die. On an even result, regain the Push.
General Abilities
Athletics 1 die
Card Reading 2 dice
Conceal 1 die
Cool 2 dice
Fighting 1 die
Filch 1 die
Fleeing 1 die
Stability 2 dice
Sense Trouble 2 dice
Shadowing 1 die
Stealth 2 dice
Starting Problem
Survival means everything. Your brother’s death during the Russian Revolution taught you that. And in this world survival means one thing: money.
-2 to Cool tests to avoid the temptations of avarice.
Kiki de Montparnasse
Free-living Muse
Investigative Abilities:
Assess Honesty [Interpersonal]
Bargain [Interpersonal]
Bureaucracy [Interpersonal]
Charm [Interpersonal]
Dream Lore [Academic]
Flattery [Interpersonal]
Locksmith [Technical]
Photography [Technical]
Reassurance [Interpersonal]
Seduction [Interpersonal]
Streetwise [Technical]
General Abilities:
Art-Making (Visual Art) 1 die
Art-Making (Dance) 1 die
Art-Making (Singing 6) 2 dice
Cool 1 die
Athletics 2 dice
Conceal 2 dice
Filch 2 dice
Fleeing 2 dice
Instability 1 die
Stability 2 dice
Sense Trouble 2 dice
Starting Problem
Hard Liver
You adore nothing more than another drink. Except of course for the drink after that.
-1 to Cool tests to avoid overindulgence in intoxicants.
Valentine Hugo
Little Swan
Investigative Abilities:
Archaeology [Academic]
Architecture [Academic]
Art History [Academic]
Assess Honesty [Interpersonal]
Bargain [Interpersonal]
Charm [Interpersonal]
Dream Lore [Academic]
Flattery [Interpersonal]
History [Academic]
Medium [Academic]
Occult [Academic]
Pharmacy [Technical]
Photography [Technical]
Reassurance [Interpersonal]
General Abilities:
Art-Making (Painting/Illustration) 2 dice
Athletics 1 die
Cool 1 die
Conceal 1 die
Disguise 1 die
Driving 1 die
Dreamscaping 1 die
First Aid 1 die
Fleeing 2 dice
Hypnosis 1 die
Instability 2 dice
Preparedness 1 die
Stability 2 dice
Stealth 1 die
Starting Problem
ContinuityWhen you fall in love, you fall hard, and never give up, no matter how much resistance you face. Others call you a fool. You call yourself a lover.
-2 to avoid throwing yourself humiliatingly at the current object of your obsession, Andre Breton. Void during the brief period after 1931 when he finally gives in to you.