June 2017: View from the Pelgrane’s Nest

Origins is fading into the past as we are swept up by the Yellow King Kickstarter and Gen Con print deadlines. Cthulhu Confidential has been shipped to pre-orderers and is now available as a PDF. The 13th Age Bestiary 2: Lions & Tigers & Owlbears is at the printers, and pre-orderers can see the final bookmarked PDF. Cat is working furiously to get Cthulhu City laid out and illustrated. This View is fairly art heavy – not to take up spave you understand, but to feature the work of old hands and new artists alike.

New Releases

The Yellow King RPG Kickstarter

In 2012 I had the disturbing satisfaction of reading Robin Laws fiction anthology New Tales of the Yellow Sign, inspired by Robert W Chambers original collection . It’s some of the best fiction I’ve ever read. So, I’ll wait here while you go off an buy it from our friends at Atomic Overmind. We’ve published a Trail adventure set in one of Chambers peculiar parallel worlds – Repairer of Reputations, part of the Out of Space collection. Then, last December at Dragonmeet, the Pelgrane crew had the pleasure of participating in a playtest of Robin’s new GUMSHOE game based on the same setting. It was a disconcerting experience. It’s powered by a new version of GUMSHOE which reflects the literary roots of the property, making combat for example, quick yet full of narratively important consequences – something it takes from GUMSHOE One-2-One.

So the Yellow King RPG is the jaundiced flesh on the bones of these ideas. The YKRPG features four settings, all connected, with an in-world book, ephemera and fiction. And while Robin’s work is paramount, we’ve worked from the start to ensure that the look of the books from design through to art is informed by a single vision, and while our production values are high, this time we’ve gone to town on it with a slipcase which doubles as a GM’s Screen.

And it’s Kickstarting now.

If you aren’t already saying “take my money” you can dip your toe in the water at the £10 level, snag the preview version then drop out if it doesn’t take your fancy.

13th Age Bestiary 2

The 13th Age Bestiary 2: Lions and Tigers and Owlbears has been uploaded to the printer. I am very happy with it – it features new writers who have come up with some cracking new creatures, brilliantly wrangled by Rob . New designer Jen McCleary took the 13th Age layout to a new level. My favourite creatures are the new campaign end bosses, the Fallen Icons such as The Gold King and the Forest that Walks.


13th Age: The Book of Demons

Rob Heinsoo has completed the Demonologist and Cat is art directing The Book of Demons. Artist Agathe Pitié has produced art for it which reminds me of Bosch’s hellish visions, and realises Gareth’s work.

13th Age: Fire and Faith: Battle Scenes for Four Icons

We are finishing up the art and maps for Fire and Faith, and the third and final book of the Battle Scenes series. This collection is very dragon and demon heavy – so suited my players no end. We hope to get it into production before Gen Con, but it won’t be out then. In the mean time, enjoy this cover art by Jessica TC Lee.


Trail of Cthulhu

Out of the Woods is in layout. Fearful Symmetries is in playtest. And Cthulhu City will be out in August.

The Fall of Delta Green

The post playtest manuscript was delivered to us at the end of May, and we’ve passed it on to the Delta Green creators, awaiting approval. The release date is likely to be Autumn rather than our originally projected release date of late Summer. The manuscript is now with the Delta Green creators awaiting appoval.


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