Author Archives: Cat Tobin

GUMSHOE Community program

It’s official – the GUMSHOE Community program is live! We announced in our Swords, Spies and Shoggoths panel at Gen Con (which you can listen to here, thanks to our friends at the Plot Points podcast) that we were launching the GUMSHOE Community program, making Ashen Stars content available to creators. If you’re not familiar […]

View From the Pelgrane’s Nest – November 2019

At this time of year, my immune system shuts down in protest at winter as a concept, so I’m recovering from a nasty headcold, and pretty much living in my favourite GUMSHOE hoodie at the moment. The illness may be due to travel; I’m just back from my first Big Bad Con in California, followed […]

A Little Goes a Long Way – Using Historical Settings in Roleplaying Games

By Conrad Kinch  I was a seven year old Kinch when I got my first gaming book. It was “Redcoats & Minutemen: The American War of Independence” by Jon Sutherland, a choose-your-own adventure book from a little-known series called Real Life Gamebooks. My parents thought fantasy was a bit frivolous, but the 18th century was alright, […]

Church of the Dead

a Night’s Black Agents adventure seed, by Adam Gauntlett The Sacred Temple of the Paparo, founded in Naples, 1579, by three noble daughters of Giovanni Paparo, has been abandoned by those supposed to care for it. Once bedecked with ornaments and liberally endowed with treasures, it has been ransacked in recent years, down to the […]

Packet Data

An adventure seed for Night’s Black Agents, by Adam Gauntlett The Agents are hired for a simple babysitting gig in Monaco, playground of the idle rich, and find themselves in the Conspiracy’s crosshairs. What Came Before A group of hackers hoping to make a big score cracked a billionaire’s superyacht Wi-Fi system. The hackers downloaded […]

See Page XX – October 2019

The weather is starting to turn wintry, the evenings are darkening earlier over Europe, and all the world is preparing for Black Friday. Cuddle up by a nice warm fire and get the pumpkin spiced drinks in with our latest PDF releases – the one-player, one Director Night’s Black Agents: Solo Ops, and the Night’s […]

View From the Pelgrane’s Nest – October 2019

I’m just back from the wilds of London’s Alexandra Palace, where Becky and I, ably assisted by knowledgeable Pelgrane playtester CJ Romer, ran the Pelgrane booth at the second ever Tabletop Gaming Live. The venue itself is lovely, and the staff were really friendly and helpful. It was mostly boardgames-focused, with very few RPG companies […]

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