Category Archives: See Page XX
A narrative genre is a set of prefab expectations. Whatever the medium, storytellers use genre to attract an audience. When you draw on a popular genre, you hope to capture a built-in audience that returns repeatedly to stories told in that mode. By signaling that the story we’re about to tell belongs to a given […]
At its core, the GUMSHOE system makes an adjustment to the way we have traditionally run investigative scenarios. Although dramatic in effect, it is actually a small change in practice. Ironically, it’s this very simplicity that can sometimes make the transition from the traditional model to the GUMSHOE approach a tricky one. Some GMs and […]
News from Pelgrane Press Trail of Cthulhu made 2008 Pelgrane’s most succesful year to date. Even without Trail and other Trail releases,it was our second most succesful since the launch of the Dying Earth. We do hope to continue with this success this year. Mutant City Blues is printed and shipping, and is now available […]
Luke and Ron Edward discusses power relationships in Spione and Sorceror, and Robin D Laws the “spiritual grandfather” of Page XX looks back over his RPG career, including Mutant City Blues (at 8:18). Luke Crane and Ron Edwards (29:07) Download>> Luke Crane and Robin D Laws (23:49) Download>>
By Simon Rogers Brennan Taylor is the co-founder of Indie Press Revolution, and the writer of such games as Mortal Coil and the forthcoming “How We Came to Live Here.” We cover his games and explore what IPR has to offer small publishers and retailers. Brennan, tell me a little bit about your history as […]
This month, sees the release of Dissonance – four tracks by James Semple, this time for Esoterrorists. We have a couple of new limited products available from the special order page of our store, a few more copies of the Trail of Cthulhu Leatherbound version, and 18 copies of the advanced Mutant City Blues. For […]
One of the pleasures in creating a game that sets out to do things a little differently is that the sense of discovery continues after the game hits the shelves. It is transformed by its contact with a large pool of actual gamers and their creative responses to it. You also get to see the […]
Robin D Laws discusses the potential problems caused by the imbalance between investigative and interpersonal skills. We present two interviews from Luke Crane, one with Robin, one with Ron Edwards. I interview Brennan Taylor about IPR, the updated Mortal Coil and a new ashcan. This month also sees the launch of new music for Esoterrorists […]