Category Archives: See Page XX

Encompass Cartography

A new map-making company, and a special offer for Page XX readers. As co-owner of ProFantasy, I’ve seen the growth of the computer-assisted and electronic map-making grow from one product (our original Campaign Cartographer) to the plethora of free and commercial map-making programs, and now PDF cartography. Not everyone wants to make their own maps, […]

See Page XX: From Call to Trail (Part 2)

In part one, we talked in general terms about preparing players used to Call Of Cthulhu for their first session of Trail Of Cthulhu. In particular, you want to show that the GUMSHOE system’s core investigative mechanic isn’t as radically alien or mechanical as some readers of the rules assume. Here’s the demo that illustrates […]

Mystic Moo’s Astro Dating Guide: Special Gamer’s Edition

It’s Valentine’s Day. In folklore that’s when the birds choose their mates and, around here, Hamish goes off his shortbread and starts making cow-eyes at that heifer across the way. Yawn. And for you humans, too, there are Spring stirrings. There comes a point in every gamer’s life when he or she briefly pauses in […]

See Page XX: To the Lab! To the Library! Genre, Structure and Choice

A narrative genre is a set of prefab expectations. Whatever the medium, storytellers use genre to attract an audience. When you draw on a popular genre, you hope to capture a built-in audience that returns repeatedly to stories told in that mode. By signaling that the story we’re about to tell belongs to a given […]

See Page XX: From Call to Trail (Part 1)

At its core, the GUMSHOE system makes an adjustment to the way we have traditionally run investigative scenarios. Although dramatic in effect, it is actually a small change in practice. Ironically, it’s this very simplicity that can sometimes make the transition from the traditional model to the GUMSHOE approach a tricky one. Some GMs and […]

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