(Author’s Note: Sometimes you have stupid ideas. Sometimes, an idea is so stupid that it develops its own gravity well, dragging you down into it even though you are quite aware that it is monumentally stupid. Enjoy the fruits of said stupidity. That said, putting stupid constraints on yourself can be a useful way to […]
Category Archives: Trail of Cthulhu
Few suspect that the McMichael Gallery of Canadian Art, nestled in formerly bucolic, now exurban, Kleinburg Ontario, houses a forbidden eldritch wing that can be entered only when the stars are right. I myself had no idea until an anonymous informant slipped me these electronic images. Having shared them previously on social media, with only […]
It’s been some time since the Poison Tree campaign was announced, even by the sometimes leisurely standards of Pelgrane. It’s currently on my desk undergoing development and additional writing. The core concept of the campaign is unchanged from those early articles – a series of connected adventures across the generations, from 1650 to the present […]
“While America needs you, my son, you shall not die!” — Bruce Carter I, to the Fighting Yank (Bruce Carter III), in Startling Comics #35 (Sep 1945) The Shield was the first, and Captain America was the greatest, but lots and lots of heroes donned the red-white-and-blue and punched Nazis in the 1940s. Many of […]
April 30th rolls ‘round again, season of doors and frightful manifestations. You may know it as Walpurgisnacht, the Witches’ Sabbath – at least according to poor Walter Gilman, the ill-fated protagonist of Dreams in the Witch House. Now he was praying because the Witches’ Sabbath was drawing near. May-Eve was Walpurgis-Night, when hell’s blackest evil […]
In the autumn of 1967, a highway patroller radios in a report of a multi-vehicle automobile collision just outside of Ipswich, Massachusetts, on the Great Arkham Highway. There’s no such road. Over the next few days – before DELTA GREEN closes down the area – there are more reports of strange incidents. A motorist is […]
The modern age began with Enlightenment, and Enlightenment exposed the darkness. The time is the 18th century, and the place is Britain – a land just discovering new sciences and creating new technologies. But these new sciences discover mind-shattering truths; the age of the Earth, the impermanence of living species, the sheer scale of the […]
“He had lately become a devotee of the William Mortensen school of photography. Mortensen, of course, is the leading exponent of fantasy in photography; his monstrosities and grotesques are widely known.” — Robert Bloch, “The Sorcerer’s Jewel” (1939) William H. Mortensen, the “leading exponent of fantasy in photography,” was born in Park City, Utah in […]
The following article originally appeared in an earlier iteration of See Page XX in June 2008. You can find James’s soundtrack work for Trail of Cthulhu here, for Night’s Black Agents here, and for Esoterrorists here. by James Semple James Semple has written the Trail of Cthulhu Theme to go with his inter-scene stings. He’ll […]
The following article originally appeared on an earlier iteration of See Page XX in February 2008. You can also read Simon’s articles on 1930s Rail Transport and 1930s Air Transport. an article for Trail of Cthulhu by Simon Carryer While by the 1930s, diesel engines were revolutionising rail transport, and giving birth to a burgeoning flight industry, […]