Outer Dark Viewing Window

A Scenario Hook for The Esoterrorists Mr. Verity meets and briefs the team in Detroit, where Ordo Veritatis analysts have correlated an uptick both in violent crime and Internet searches of terms related to the Outer Dark. Following up on the apparently random homicides listed in the dossier, investigators spot a pattern, or lack thereof, […]

The Book of Sandboxes

Talk is again turning in Pelgrane Towers to my infrequently-written 13th Age campaign, Prophet of the Pyre, and when I’ll actually get around to delivering it. The first third of the campaign is set in a self-contained valley in the mountains, and that concept of the local sandbox can be useful tool for a 13th […]

Elspeth Covington

An NPC for Trail of Cthulhu Socialite, arts patron and oracle Elspeth Covington (1896-1955) cut a swath through occult circles in the 1930s and beyond, amassing a surprising circle of intimates in London, Paris, and Los Angeles. Born Elisabeth Doyle in Provincetown, she adopted the stopgap moniker Eliza Dunnock during a stint in New York […]

13th Sage: Three Iconic Spirits of Goldfeast

Spirit of Goldfeast Future

Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is a ghost story, to begin with. It’s part of a long tradition of telling scary stories at Christmastime; and when handled well, the ghosts can provide us with a shiver even as we gleefully watch them terrorize Ebenezer Scrooge in order to turn his heart from wickedness. The other […]

You’ve Heard Of Elf On The Shelf…

(Author’s Note: Sometimes you have stupid ideas. Sometimes, an idea is so stupid that it develops its own gravity well, dragging you down into it even though you are quite aware that it is monumentally stupid. Enjoy the fruits of said stupidity. That said, putting stupid constraints on yourself can be a useful way to […]

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