New Legacies (1)

The Dracula Dossier Director’s Handbook covers the present-day Legacies of the main members of the Crew of Light – Billie Harker, Tabitha Holmwood, Thad Morris and the rest, the descendants of the original group who battled Dracula. However, Unredacted reveals the existence of several other members of this fellowship who, for reasons sinister or editorial, […]

See Page XX – January 2020

A belated happy new year to all our readers! This double-feature Page XX is packed with the usual wealth of articles you’ve come to expect from this erudite publication, and exciting news with the official launch of the GUMSHOE Community program. If you’re not familiar with the Community Content programs, you can find all the […]

View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – January 2020

Happy new year, all, and I do hope you’re enjoying your dystopian cyberpunk future! I know I am. 😐 BUT, here in the Pelgrane’s Nest, things are looking up. As of today, we have joined another future – a more positive, and community-based future – with the launch of the GUMSHOE Community program on DriveThruRPG. […]

See P. XX: Family Horror in Fear Itself

A column about roleplaying by Robin D. Laws When the original Fear Itself came out in 2007, horror was in the depths of its torture phase, typified by the Saw and Hostel franchises. Always the most reliable indicator of the zeitgeist, horror cinema reflected America’s anxieties about its place in the world under the shadow […]

Gaming Without Sight: Accessibility for the Visually Impaired

by Aser Tolentino These days when a conscientious creator begins building something to share with the world, they usually take the time to reflect to at least some degree on how inclusive they have been to players, readers or casual passers-by. In the gaming world, that has meant a commendable effort to reach out to […]

GUMSHOE Community program

It’s official – the GUMSHOE Community program is live! We announced in our Swords, Spies and Shoggoths panel at Gen Con (which you can listen to here, thanks to our friends at the Plot Points podcast) that we were launching the GUMSHOE Community program, making Ashen Stars content available to creators. If you’re not familiar […]

The Yellow King Roleplaying Game Errata

Errors spotted after the books went to press are listed below. We periodically update PDFs to correct errors, so be sure you update your electronic copies to the latest current version. If you spot a possible error in the text, please alert us at Paris p. 60: minor injuries occur a failure with a […]

The Plain People of Gaming: What We Did In Paris

Just before Christmas, I finished off the first part of my home campaign of THE YELLOW KING. We’re running it at a fairly fast pace (we’re alternating sessions with Warhammer in deference to the sensibilities of players who want to hit things with swords), and with only a limited number of sessions, I based virtually […]

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