Tag Archives: 13th age

 13th Age Ideas That Aren’t Worth A Full Page XX Article

When brainstorming for new See Page XX articles, one comes up with lots of ideas that aren’t enough for a full piece, but might spark something if you put them out into the world. So, here’s a grab bag of ideas that almost, but not quite, made it. Maybe they’ll take root in one of your games. […]

Temptations of the Dhampir

by Jay Godden, edited by Isaac Rolfe and Rob Heinsoo, art by Roena I. Rosenberger Read the introductory post here. In crypts within Imperial walls, setting up the rituals necessary to create vampires that are anything other than slathering, bloodlusting monsters is very difficult. Most of the calculating vampire nobles working for the Lich King […]

Prophet of the Pyre

There’s always a dragon. Maybe it’s down there in the darkness of the dungeon, last and greatest of the monsters. Its long sinuous body coiled around a bed of stolen treasure, it slumbers, waiting for some doomed fools to make their way down past the upper levels, waiting for the final battle to come. Maybe […]

Monster Rituals

Sometimes, a monster’s just a bag of hit points attached to some fun attacks – the heroes roll in, spend a few perfectly enjoyable combat rounds fighting the creature, and then head on to the next encounter. Sometimes, a monster’s a major recurring foe, a devilish nemesis whose schemes and counterschemes reverberate through the campaign, […]

13th Sage: Three Iconic Spirits of Goldfeast

Spirit of Goldfeast Future

Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is a ghost story, to begin with. It’s part of a long tradition of telling scary stories at Christmastime; and when handled well, the ghosts can provide us with a shiver even as we gleefully watch them terrorize Ebenezer Scrooge in order to turn his heart from wickedness. The other […]

13th Sage: How to Get a Free +2 Bonus in Combat

The Combat Modifiers section on page 171 of the core book suggests giving +2 to attacks that have “advantageous circumstances” and -2 to attacks from adverse circumstances. The bonus can come from a particularly clever use of the terrain or a surprising combat maneuver. A bonus might also come from some special circumstance of the […]

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