Tag Archives: 13th age

Alternate Utility Spells in 13th Age

The Utility spell in 13th Age is a lovely way to cram all those spells that are great in the right situation, but useless most of the time into a single handy package. This article presents two variants on the regular Utility spell. Each one takes up a spell slot, as usual.   Illusion Utility Spell 1st – disguise self Range: […]

13th Sage: Deep Gnome Rising – a Level 2 Adventure

If you attended the 13th Age Monster Workshop at Gen Con Online this past weekend, you were treated to some odd and creepy fun with gnomes. It reminded me that way back in 2013, when 13th Age was still brand new, I ran this weird little adventure at Gen Con. It was a lot of […]

Unique & Monstrous Curses

by Julian Kay illustration by Dagmara Matuszak We focused on demons in the first curse article—cursed and accursed demons. Here, we cover the many other 13th Age and F20 monsters that originated as curses or get much of their oomph delivering curses. Deathly (Well, Undeathly) Curses After the Diabolist, the Lich King is the icon […]

Unique & Terrible Curses

By Julian Kay illustration by Lee Moyer In many F20 games, curses are a flavorful inconvenience, temporary problems that can be removed by a single memorized spell. In 13th Age, freeform character creation options and flexible magic provide some mechanical and narrative space that can spin curses into blessings! In the big picture, curses have […]

13th Sage: 7 Ways to Communicate in the Dragon Empire

How do you keep an empire together? One obvious answer is the ability to move people and things quickly and easily from one place to another: trade goods, armies, officials, citizens. Perhaps just as important is the ability to move information across long distances. Are the forces of the Orc Lord mustering to attack from […]

Mighty Deeds

text by Julian Kay Why let spellcasters have all the fun? This variant rule for the 13th Age RPG expands the ritual rules to those don’t wield magic, giving them an option to use their backgrounds in fantastical fashion. Pushing a castle gate with strength alone, deducing a culprit from a footprint, foiling a massive […]

How to Add Cthulhu to Your Fantasy Game

Our virtual panel series cleans ichor from its blades as very special guest Sandy Petersen joins Swords of the Serpentine designers Kevin Kulp and Emily Dresner, along with Kenneth Hite, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan and moderator Robin D. Laws to provide tips and hooks for mixing swords and eldtrichery.

13th Sage: Swords, Super-Science, and Sorcery

“The world blew up in a thousand atomic fireballs.” – Ralph Bakshi’s Wizards (1977) “Books (including tomes, librams and manuals), artifacts, and relics are of ancient manufacture, possibly from superior human or demi-human technology, perhaps of divine origin; thus books, artifacts, and relics cannot be made by players and come only from the Dungeon Master.” […]

My Favorite Monster with Rob Heinsoo

13th Age designer Rob Heinsoo takes you on a tour of the monsters he has known and loved throughout his gaming career, before finally naming on a particularly powerful and clever adversary as his favorite monster. 13th Age combines the best parts of traditional d20-rolling fantasy gaming with new story-focused rules, designed so you can […]

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