Tag Archives: GUMSHOE

A Taxonomy of Investigations

GUMSHOE, as we always say, is the game system where you always find a clue. If you’ve got the right Investigative Ability, you get the information. When designing scenarios, however, it’s useful to divide those pieces of information into different categories. My usual mental breakdown (building on the Clue vs Lead division) Leads: A piece […]

The Raspy Raven’s GUMSHOE season

Ever thought of playing in a 60s cold war version of Night’s Black Agents? Traversing The Gaean Reach modified for Charles Stross’ Laundry Files? Perhaps a Byzantian take on Swords of the Serpentine set in Constantinople is part of your gaming wish list? If so, then look no further. After successful seasons of games for […]

Cassilda’s Song

The War of the Sisters STRANGER: Have you fashioned your masks? CAMILLA AND CASSILDA: Father, they shall not be masks for long. STRANGER: From what have you fashioned them? CAMILLA: From Rodrigo’s red flesh. CASSILDA: From my song of green joy. Cassilda’s Song, a massive scenario series for The Yellow King Roleplaying Game, spans all […]

Core Vs. Alternate Scenes

In response to our scenario design workshop, we were asked to delve a bit further into the distinction between core and alternate scenes in a GUMSHOE adventure. TL;DR: Make sure there’s one path through a GUMSHOE scenario. Those are your core scenes. Add more paths. Those are your alternate scenes. A Core Scene provides one […]

Kenneth Hite’s Top Game Mastering Tip

For International GMs Day, Ken’s favorite GMing tip is very timely indeed. GUMSHOE is the groundbreaking investigative roleplaying system by Robin D. Laws that shifts the focus of play away from finding clues (or worse, not finding them), and toward interpreting clues, solving mysteries and moving the action forward. GUMSHOE powers many Pelgrane Press games, […]

Introducing GUMSHOE at a Virtual Convention

One of the most horrible aspects of this whole pandemic – at least, from where I’m sitting – is that roleplaying conventions will be one of the last events to return safely. Your typical convention is also ideal for spreading coronavirus: a bunch of people talking loudly at short range? In rooms that are famously […]

Ability Lists as an Improv Checklist

When running a most improvised scenario (either something as ambitious as the Dracula Dossier or just riffing off a paragraph or two of notes), One Useful Trick is to have a copy of the investigative ability list for your game to hand, and check off abilities as you call for them or the players use […]

See Page XX – April 2008

The following articles originally appeared on an earlier iteration of See Page XX in April 2008.  This month we step beyond the limitations of the pixel and into the glorious world of sound. James Semple introduces us to the new theme for Esoterrorists, Luke Crane shares air with Vincent Baker, and Paul MacClean advises us […]

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