To celebrate the 10th anniversary of GUMSHOE we invited fans and Pelgrane pros all over the world to play their favorite Pelgrane Press games today! Here’s a sampling of the day’s goings-on and shenanigans thus far. Games were streamed: Upcoming books were playtested: Designers shared their work: Monstrous Dramaturgy: Kostroma Adventures were had: Campaigns launched: Heroes made (and their […]
Tag Archives: Pelgrane Con
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of GUMSHOE, we’re inviting Pelgrane Press RPG fans all over the world to play their favorite Pelgrane games on or around 21st October—the first-ever International Pelgrane Day! We’d love to see people to play and run Pelgrane games, either at home or online, that day and week. If you need adventures […]