To celebrate the 10th anniversary of GUMSHOE, we’re inviting Pelgrane Press RPG fans all over the world to play their favorite Pelgrane games on or around 21st October—the first-ever International Pelgrane Day!
We’d love to see people to play and run Pelgrane games, either at home or online, that day and week. If you need adventures to run, let us know—we have them.
This is a great opportunity to turn others on to your favorite Pelgrane games. Stream your NIGHT’S BLACK AGENTS mission live on Hangouts. Share the horrible demise of your TRAIL OF CTHULHU investigators on YouTube. Tell how your band of 13th Age heroes conspired with the Prince of Shadows to swindle the Lich King, on Twitter, your blog, or your favorite message forum. And use the hashtag #PelgraneDay so that everyone can find your games.
You can download GUMSHOE 10th Anniversary badges for Twitter and Facebook from this link – show the world you’re taking part!
And we’ll be doing the same: The plan is for the entire Pelgrane crew to run games online or in their home towns that week—including the brand-new Roll20 edition of SHADOWS OF ELDOLAN for 13th Age!
Join us, won’t you?