Over on OgreCave, Lee Valentine reviews Fear Itself. It’s a balanced and positive review. “A good read…great for running a mystery horror game”.
Tag Archives: review
Very likely the best system I’ve seen to handle investigation-oriented, Cthulhu Mythos gaming
“The whole piece has a wonderful quality of movement that immediately evokes a sense of mysterious, cinematic adventure.“
The podcast The Game’s The Thing gives a positive review to The Esoterrorists. It’s a good intropYou’ll find the review starting at 26 minutes and 50 seconds. I was apprehensive about the system but I was wrong – it worked really well for me.
On his blog Transitive Gaming, R B Bergstrom gives an overwhelmingly positive review to The Esoterrorists, calling it “The best mystery/investigative RPG ever”.
Over on LiveJournal, there is a balanced and good review of Gumshoe, by Grim of Postmortem Studios. “There’s two separate things going on in these books. One is the presentation and ‘selling’ of the Gumshoe system, as a solution to a role-playing problem in pursuing investigations. The other is the presentation of Dave Allsop’s wickedly twisted […]
A new five-star review of Trail of Cthulhu by OBS staff reviewer, Megan Robertson. Overall, this is a masterful melding of the Gumshoe system with classic Cthulhu Mythos gaming, an inspired match. There’s so much goodness in this that I’ll be back again and again, not just to play but to mine for ideas whatever I […]
Dan Harms has written a review of DoSM. …this is a chilling scenario epitomizing Lovecraft’s cosmic horror. It not only recommends itself to Trail of Cthulhu purist players, but it’s also an excellent resource for Call of Cthulhu players who want more cosmic horror in their games. Also, Graham and I were also rather chuffed […]
Gamester At Large’s review of Trail of Cthulhu.
Dave Lai gives The Esoterrorists a positive review on RPG.NET, giving 4 out of 5 for both substance and style. “Will this one be able to stand out from an apparently increasingly crowded genre? The short answer is a resounding ‘Yes”.”