This review is from veteran reviewer Lev Lafayette, who averages just over 3/3 on his reviews – tough reviewer. He gives Trail a 4/4.
Tag Archives: review
Review of the improvisational Trail of Cthulhu supplement Armitage Files on Stargazer’s World. “The Armitage Files” is definitely a book anyone interested in running Trail of Cthulhu should own, especially if you want to try something new. But it proves – without a shadow of doubt – that it’s possible to improvise an investigative games […]
A new five star review by William Graham of Fear Itself is on This product sets itself apart from other Horror Rules because of the way everything interacts with the entire GUMSHOE system in a meaningful and immersive manner. The Risk Factors provide believable, character driven motivations for adventuring; Stability Sources provide opportunities for […]
Review of Mutant City Blues on GameCryer a “top notch game from Pelgrane Press”
A very positive review of the Esoterror Factbook by Kingbeast (9/10) “ I honestly think that this might be one of the best supplemental books that I have read for ANY setting…it is that good”
Dan Harms reviews the newly released Watchers in the Sky.
Great review of Armitage Files on 2d6 Feet in a Random Direction podcast, at 40m30s.
Dan Harms reviews Rough Magicks.
There’s a new review of Trail of Cthulhu up on by CW Richeson. Trail of Cthulhu takes a fresh look at Lovecraft’s Mythos with a strong focus on investigation, excellent writing, and plenty of play support. Style: 5 (Excellent!) Substance: 4 (Meaty) He says: In play I was concerned that my traditional style of […]
On RPG.NET, Notty Reid gives Mutant City Blues a positive and detailed review. “For the first time in months I’m excited about running a new game. I can’t wait for the new season at my local games club so I can get stuck in.”