Author Archives: Wade Rockett

13th Age: First Impressions on Mechanics at Dorkadia

Jon Spengler at Dorkadia recently ran 13th Age for his gaming group, and shares his first impressions of the mechanics. It sounds as if they had a great time — Jon describes the gameplay as “simple and authentic feeling”: [In] just a single page character sheet and a handful of potent abilities/spells, each player character functions […]

Rob Heinsoo: Monster Art +13 Contest Winners

Rob Heinsoo crashed through the window in our Seattle offices, locked in deadly combat with a ninja, to deliver this update on 13 True Ways before vanishing along with his foe in a flash of fire and a puff of concealing smoke. I’m pleased to announce the thirteen winners of the Monster Art +13 contest, Kickstarter […]

13th Age: Interview With Rob Heinsoo recently interviewed three-fourths of the creative team behind 13th Age. (Aaron McConnell was on deadline and chained to his drawing table that week.) In this installment, co-designer Rob Heinsoo is on the hot seat. How did you get involved in gaming, and how did you make the leap to becoming a professional? Rob Heinsoo: […]

13th Age: Interview With Lee Moyer recently interviewed three-fourths of the creative team behind 13th Age. (Aaron McConnell was on deadline and chained to his drawing table that week.) In this installment, artist Lee Moyer weighs in. Let’s start with your personal history. How did you get involved with gaming? Lee Moyer: I began gaming in 1979 with the original […]

13th Age: interview with Jonathan Tweet recently interviewed three-fourths of the creative team behind 13th Age. (Aaron McConnell was on deadline and chained to his drawing table that week.) In this installment, Jonathan Tweet about his favorite roleplaying games, designers and artists, and what’s happening in the industry. Let’s start with a personal introduction, and your gaming history. Jonathan Tweet: […]

Rob Heinsoo: 13th Age Update

Rob Heinsoo emerged from his subterranean lair to give us this update on the status of the 13th Age RPG, the 13 True Ways expansion, his new Shards of the Broken Sky adventure and more. As you might have seen in Simon Rogers’ Through the Scrying Glass column, I finished the manuscript for 13th Age in November and turned the […]

How to Demo GUMSHOE in 20 Minutes

The GUMSHOE system by Robin D. Laws revolutionized the investigative roleplaying game, and is the basis for RPGs that will appeal to fans of many genres: space opera, spy thriller, Lovecraftian horror and two-fisted pulp adventure — with more to come. Its central premise, though, can be challenging for newcomers to wrap their heads around. What […]

Feast of Gold: Reimagining Holidays for 13th Age

13th Age sage and convention GM Adam Dray presents his take on the Feast of Gold, chief winter celebration of the Dragon Empire… Wade Rockett (certainly not his real name, but the name of his Ashen Stars character, right?) kindly invited me to write a guest post in which I looked at a mythical winter holiday, […]

The Feast of Gold: Wrestling Grandfather Time

Feast of Gold Public Service Announcement: What do you get for the Wyrm who has everything? Perhaps one of the few remaining pre-orders of 13th Age, the new fantasy roleplaying game from Jonathan Tweet and Rob Heinsoo! With your help, we’ll break 1,000 pre-orders by Christmas, making this a record-setting game for Pelgrane Press. The […]

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