If you arrived at this page because Gabe listed “A Burning desire deep in my heart to play 13th Age” as part of his PAX haul, we are delighted to see you, and we pray that our servers hold up. Our Resources page has links and downloads to tell you more about the game. To […]
Author Archives: Wade Rockett
The designers and developer did a seminar at Gen Con introducing 13th Age to an audience that had, up until then, only known of it through rumor and hearsay. We got this short video clip, and wanted to share: You can hear more about 13th Age this weekend at PAX, where Rob Heinsoo will appear […]
The 13th Age crew will be out in force at PAX Prime! If you’re attending, we invite you to… Stop by our table: We’ll be on 3rd floor of the Washington State Convention Center, right in front of rooms 305 and 306. We’ll be easy to find: look for the big Archmage and Diabolist banners.The table will be […]
Several people who are interested in picking up 13th Age have told us that it would help to have a short but detailed overview of the game available on the site. This is entirely reasonable, and so we offer 13 Fast Facts About 13th Age: 13th Age is a story-focused fantasy roleplaying game co-designed by Rob Heinsoo and […]
We’ve just learned that 13th Age will be featured on the cover of Kobold Quarterly’s big summer issue, coming out in mid-July! Kobold-in-Chief Wolfgang Baur was interested in previewing 13th Age, and asked us for something crunchy and useful that his readers could bring to the table right away. Rob Heinsoo obliged with an article that focuses on one […]
CONFIDENTIAL//SI-NBA//ORCON We have intercepted communications indicating a high probability of a vampire presence at DEXCON 15 in Morristown, New Jersey from 2:00PM – 8:00PM, Saturday, July 7, 2012. Register to join one of six strike teams under the direction of Kenneth Hite and neutralize the threat by any means necessary. The winning team — even if represented by just […]
This interview originally appeared on EN World on 17th May 2012 and is reposted here with their kind permission. Jonathan Tweet is co-designer with Rob Heinsoo of the 13th Age fantasy roleplaying game. He has numerous games to his credit including Ars Magica, Over the Edge and 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons®. So first things first. “13th Age” […]
Dear 13th Age playtesters, I’ve got two requests: one to playtesters who were with us in the first round, and one to everyone in the second round playtest. Though the second round playtest document didn’t reflect it, I read all your comments from the first round and highlighted every case in which we are making […]
Share a link to your online playlist for Night’s Black Agents (or just your suggestions) on Twitter with the hashtag #nightsblackagents — or leave a comment below — and we’ll pass it along. We can always use more cool spy music in our lives. And if you listen to cool spy music and haven’t ordered the [REDACTED] […]
Dear 13th Age playtesters, For those of you who didn’t see the first playtest draft, welcome aboard for Round Two. And a big thank you to returning playtesters who sent feedback already. I’m happy with many elements of the current draft. It’s not done, but the pieces that aren’t in the official manuscript yet are […]