Category Archives: News

The Book of Unremitting Horror Reviews

Reviews from BOUH is our most critically acclaimed book, with it and its d20 cousin receiving a clean sweep of eight five star ratings on  Read the reviews of the d20 version (a subset of the GUMSHOE version) here and the GUMSHOE version here. From the art and fiction to the abilities and […]

Eternal Lies: Meet the composers

This is the last of the introductions to the composers for the Eternal Lies suite. My name is Yaiza Varona, I’m Spanish, born in Barcelone but lived most of my life in Tenerife, Canary Islands. I am a musicologist and  composer. When James Semple offered me the chance to be part of this project, even […]

ENnie Award Nominations

The ENnie award nominations are in. Armitage Files has been nominated for best adventure, with Shadows over Filmland taking an honourable mention. And Jérome gets a richly deserved nod for his cover artwork on Rough Magicks. Last July in Page XX, Jérome let us into the secrets of his photomontage technique in creating this amazing […]

Ashen Stars Map – The Bleed

Ralf Schemmann produced this schematic map, a snap shot really, of the translight corridors connecting The Bleed, the “region” of space where the PCs – lasers – undertake their contracts in the Ashen Stars game. From Ashen Stars: Translight corridors are not fixed in space.  They orbit through the universe, just as the rest of […]

Jack Vance’s The Dying Earth and Gaean Reach RPG License

Pelgrane Press acquire the rights to publish an RPGs based on the Dying Earth and Gaean Reach Books By Jack Vance. LONDON, ENGLAND: Pelgrane Press Ltd, a UK-based company,  announced today that it has acquired the rights to produce games based on Jack Vance’s seminal Dying Earth stories and The Gaean Reach series. Pelgrane Press […]

Pelgrane Biz Part 2 – Printing Ashen Stars

As I discussed in Pelgrane Biz Part 1, it’s expensive and risky to print books by offset litho, even though the results are gratifying, and the rewards, if the sales are high enough, are excellent. But there is every chance that Trail of Cthulhu is a one-off success, and won’t be repeated. That said, I […]

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