I’ve received copies of Retropunk’s version of Trail of Cthulhu – Rastro De Cthulhu. The print quality is excellent – there is no better version. It’s casebound with proper signatures with head and footbanks, a matte cover, and three colours inside on glossy paper. I would never have believed it came from a brand new […]
Category Archives: News
Michael Wolf reviews The Book of Unremitting Horror here on Stargazer’s World: In my option The Book of Unremitting Horror is a must-have for any GM interested in running horror campaigns, regardless if he/she is using a GUMSHOE game or not.
I am looking for a freelancer to do a few hours a month web development, for Pelgrane Press and Stone Skin Press We are looking for a person who has: Comprehensive knowledge of WordPress, Vanilla and their plug-ins. The ability to work with native html and understand RSS CSS and javascript. Basic knowledge of NT […]
After a herculean struggle with the delivery company, the Trail of Cthulhu Greatest Covers Posters have arrived! The initial orders have gone out and we’re pleased to say that the three A2 posters look fantastic. Jerome’s amazing artwork is shown in all its horrific, ENnie-award-nominated glory. These posters are a limited edition print run, we […]
Dan Harms over at On the Shelf Reviews has given Bookhounds a thorough examining with positive results. You can read the full review here. To the usual Trail mix of Pulp vanilla and Purist chocolate, we now get rainbow sherbert Arabesque, rocky road sordid, and disgustingly neon Technicolor. We can only hope that Pelgrane provides […]
At Dragonmeet we ran a seminar on investigative gaming featuring (from left to right) Gareth Hanrahan, Robin Laws, Ken Hite, and yours truly . Please forgive the initial plugging of forthcoming Pelgrane Press products at the beginning – the bulk of the seminar concentrates on investigative gaming and the touchy subject of railroading. This lead […]
I’m considering doing a 16-page something for Free RPG Day, a GUMSHOE adventure for example. In 2008, we gave a way an adventure for Trail of Cthulhu – The Murderer of Thomas Fell. What would you like to see?
Here at Pelgrane we’ve increased our production over the past four months so we have a lot of new projects that need playtesting in exchange for our eternal gratitude and a credit in the relevant book/PDF. If you’re interested in helping us out with the playtests, please email me stating the name of the playtest […]
Chris Huth has been working on Ashen Stars art which matches with Jérome’s. First, some shuttles. Our playtesters seemed to have a thing about shuttles, so Robin obliged them by putting in some streamlined shuttle rules and three shuttle configurations, illustrated here. This is a rough. Chris also illustrated the Jaggar…
There’s an online game of Bookhounds on rpg.net billed as “Bran and Crowe Secondhand Books, a Trail of Cthulhu game in the Purist idiom with the Book-Hounds of London campaign frame.”