Category Archives: News

New GUMSHOE Licensee Announced

Three Fourteen Games will be producing adventure materials and supplements in both English and Spanish for Fear Itself and Esoterrorists. Their first release will be called The Last Guest (detailed below). The Last Guest He got some painful souvenirs from his time in the war in Iraq. He was too close when a grenade exploded. […]

Ripped From the Headlines: A Very Esoterror Christmas

When the so-called holy thorn tree of Glastonbury is destroyed by vandals, the hallmarks of an Esoterror operation are apparent to the greenest of Ordo Veritatis analysts. In its apparent senselessness, the small event causes widespread public distress, both in the devout and in respecters of tradition. Heightening the cognitive anxieties generated by the story […]

Dragonmeet Post-Con Report

This was, without doubt, the best Dragonmeet we’ve had. Robin Laws and Ken Hite were present, truly splendid and affable guests. Pelgrane Press co-founder Sasha and his daughter Freya were there, helpful as always, and Beth enjoyed her first Con, impressing the stalwarts with her knowledge of Lovecraft and the GUMSHOE line. On the adjacent […]

Bookhounds Dragonmeet Special Edition Available for Pre-order

We’ve printed 50 copies of Book-Hounds as a pre-release version for Dragonmeet. We are accepting orders online solely for collection at Dragonmeet. They will be numbered, and signed by Ken Hite, who will be there. You can download the bookmarked PDF straight away. The books are perfect bound, monochrome, with a colour cover. If there […]

Trail of Cthulhu Review on

An actual play review of Trail of Cthulhu on – 8/10. The Gumshoe system is an investigation-oriented one, and this orientation is well suited to many Mythos scenarios. We enjoyed playing our characters and didn’t have too much trouble picking up the system. I’d recommend it. It might not work for some scenario types […]

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