Category Archives: 13th Age

13th Age game

Behind-the-Illustration of The Orc Lord

“The Orc Lord is a figure of legend. The last time he walked the land the Lich King fell, in part because of the Orc Lord’s attack. Who will fall before his hordes this time? Who won’t?”  –From the 13th Age icon teaser description. The images in this post should give you a pretty clear […]

The High Druid of 13th Age

Introducing the High Druid.  The teaser from the 13th Age press release states,  “A champion of the Wild, the High Druid might shake the Empire to pieces or point to a new way to live.”   Once again the evidence of Lee Moyer’s stunning painting talents are on full display.  Below are my pencils and  the early thumbnail […]

Three Evil Overlords

Yesterday morning I decided to take advantage of the buy-15-and-you-finally-get-1-free card I had from Starbucks. I rolled on down the hill to the drive-through, made the order, pulled up to the window and reached for the postcard where I’d thrown it in the passenger seat. “That’s odd,” I thought. “There’s a 13th Age postcard in […]

The Lich King of 13th Age

I intend to continue posting  behind-the-scenes development of the key Icons from the upcoming RPG 13th Age (at least the images that are, at present, available online).  Here’s the description of the Lich King from the 13th Age press release: ” The Lich King was a powerful wizard who ruled the land in ancient times, […]

Heinsoo and Tweet Preview 13th Age

As I mentioned in an earlier post,  this past weekend Jonathan Tweet spoke publicly for the first time about 13th Age, the new fantasy roleplaying game that he’s designing with Rob Heinsoo for Pelgrane Press. Players of 13th Age take the roles of fortune-seeking adventurers in a world where powerful individuals called Icons pursue goals that […]

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