Interpersonal Reality Hacks

(For context, see the Reality Hacking rules) Interpersonal Hacks The Truth Will Out (Bullshit Detector): The target of this hack become violently, explosively ill should they attempt to utter a lie. If the victim’s lucky, it’s just vomiting. The hack’s effects last for a few minutes. Carbon Ghost (Bureaucracy): Given a set of personal documents […]

Technical Reality Hacks

(For context, see the Reality Hacking rules) Technical Hacks See The Membrane (Astronomy): This hack enables the Agent to judge local Membrane conditions by observing the stars. The Agent can tell how strong the Membrane is, and the safest direction back to ‘normal’ reality. Magic Bullet (Ballistics): Activate this hack after missing with a Firearms […]

View From the Pelgrane’s Nest – April 2021

As a company with tentacles in many countries, we’re taking comfort from the fact that the vaccines are, indeed, finally rolling out around the world. Our USAian Pelgranistas were the first to be vaccinated, followed by our some of our UKians. It’s looking like it’ll take a while for us Irish Pelgranes to get our […]

See P. XX: Sketching Out Your Yellow King: Paris Sequence (Part 2)

A column about roleplaying by Robin D. Laws Last time we started laying out a loose episode structure for your Yellow King Roleplaying Game Paris sequence. Start there for episodes 1 through 7. Episode 8: Visit from Home Follow a time-honored serialized storytelling convention, bringing in a relative who drops into Paris to complicate an […]

Never Given

A Scenario Hook for Ashen Stars The lasers pick up a contract for what appears to be a simple rescue mission. The massive freighter Never Given has lost faster-than-light capability and has become lodged in a translight corridor. Characters with Astronomy or Forensic Engineering want to hear that last bit again. Lodged in a translight […]

Serpentine Plot Hooks: Rebellious Factions Part 1

By Kevin Kulp Combining focused ambition with poor judgment is a great basis for an adventure. When you want to run a last-minute Swords of the Serpentine game and aren’t sure where to begin, start with one or more of the factions. You’ll see an example of this in the two free adventures here at […]

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